Strait solo is one of the typical Indonesian cuisine. This menu comes from the people of Solo, Central Java. Strait solo no different with salad, culinary offerings from European society.
Although the name is different, but the majority of the materials used are almost the same, ie mayonnaise, meat and various vegetables. However, how to cook it a little differently.

Want to know more clearer? Check out the recipe strait (salad) solo roast beef following. It's also important to listen to the tips. This recipe equivalent of 4 to 6 servings.

Materials for processing prescription membaut or strait (salad) solo roast beef:
  1. 400 grams of beef, sliced ??With a thickness according to taste, at-o'clock with a tool that is easy soft texture.
  2. 1 teaspoon of nutmeg powder.
  3. Sugar, salt and pepper to taste.
  4. 1 clove garlic, crushed, then finely chopped.
  5. 1 medium onion, cut to size according to taste.
  6. 1 lemon, squeezed, take the water.
  7. 0.lima liter beef broth.
  8. 1 teaspoon coriander powder.
  9. Soy sauce to taste.
  10. 4 carrots, cut to size according to taste, boiled until cooked, drain.
  11. 2 tomatoes, each cut into 4 pieces.
  12. 4 potato vine, cut to size according to taste, boiled until cooked, drain.
  13. Beans to taste, cut according to taste, drain.
  14. Lettuce taste.
  15. 2 spring onions, thinly sliced.
  16. 6 pieces of boiled egg yolk.
  17. 1 tablespoon mustard.
  18. 2 eggs that have been cooked, each split into 4 parts.
  19. Margarine or butter to taste.
  20. Potato chips to taste.

How to create a recipe or process strait (salad) solo roast beef:
* Stage process meat and gravy
  1. Jerky meat with salt, pepper powder, nutmeg powder and soy sauce. Let stand about 1 hour more.
  2. Heat butter or margarine in a frying pan until melted flat.
  3. Roast until cooked, remove and drain.
  4. Heat the butter or margarine until melted.
  5. Sauté garlic and onions until it changes color and fragrant.
  6. Pour the beef broth.
  7. Add sugar, salt, pepper powder, coriander powder, soy sauce and lemon juice. Cook until boiling.

* Stage make mayonnaise
  1. Mix the egg yolks gaji, mustard, lemon juice, bouillon to taste, sugar, salt and pepper. Stir until thickened.
* Presentation
  1. Arrange the vegetables and meat in the serving container.
  2. Flush with gravy.
  3. Add mayonnaise.
  4. Sprinkle red onion that has been sliced ??Thin and potato chips on it.
  5. Strait (salad) solo roast beef ready to be served.

Tips to make or process the strait solo recipe:
  1. Once washed, beef jerky with lime juice or lemon to get rid of the fishy smell.
  2. Do not often flip through the flesh when baked so perfectly ripe.
  3. If there is no time to make beef broth, you can use instant broth. Equal to the amount of water that is in the recipe list.
  4. Adapted recommended dose of lemon juice to taste.
