"Hemm, what should I do?" asked the first person of Kee-san Ngo-hohan. No matter how much he feels hearing this woman's big name and hopes she will relent and leave without disturbing Sin-tong.
The eyes were sharp and her smile was full of meaning, her lips were full of challenges. "We should play love making love!"
"Wretched woman!"
"Female demon"
The five men have pulled out their respective weapons, the big guns that have so far raised their names in the kang-ouw world. These five swordsman is indeed a master skill master with the famous Hoa-san-to-hoat, and besides they are also all adept at the science of bloody stabbing called Sam-ci-tiam-hoat, the science of malinging using three fruit fingers.
"Siastt ... Sing ... Sing ...!"
"Ha-ha-ha, good! You guys are dashing to play a machete, certainly more dashing if you play love, hi-hik!"
Kiam-mo Cai-li dodge and suddenly his black umbrella flourishes open. The umbrella is a special weapon, made of strong steel and the fabric is made of rhinoceros leather that is dry and has been cooked limp, but the strength is so great that it can withstand a sharp bolt of weapons. There is also the tip of the umbrella tapered, is the tip of the sword, and the curved hilt can also be used as a clever hook weapon.
"Trang-trang-trang ...!" sparks glow when the machetes are parried by the umbrella.
Now the woman's body is covered with an umbrella that develops and spins, it is difficult for the five men to attack him from the front. They jumped and locked her up.
"Hi-hik, hayo keroyoklah.if you just five of these people, still too little for me Hi-hik, I want to see where your strength, whether it is worth to be my opponents to play love!"
"Women are low!" The first of the five warriors was furious, his machete grabbed violently, but suddenly the machete was stopped in midair because it was bound by a soft long black object.
May the woman have taken off her hairline and it turns long down her hips, the hair that is black, long and smells sweet. In fact, that's not the only thing about it, it can be used as a powerful weapon, as a whip that now succeeds in twisting the first person of Kee-san Ngo-hohan! Before this man could withdraw his machete, Kiam-mo Cai-li's left hand moved against the back of his neck with his hands tilted.
"Krekk!" the man complained and collapsed and could not rise again because he had been hit by a special toto that made his body paralyzed even though he was still able to see and hear.
The other four were shocked and angry. They turn more machetes again, even now their left hand helps with a powerful Sam-ci-tiam-hoat totokan attack!
But the people they are gangsters are laughing at them. Each machete attack can be easily dashed by a rotating umbrella, while the long end of the hair makes small explosive noises and grabs over their heads, not attacking, only bringing panic just because it is used to play them.
"Get mad!" snapped a second man while attacking with a machete.
When his machete is deflected, he quickly 'enters' the vacancy and manages to send a totokan. Since the open space his fingers could fit between the rounds of the umbrella was only in the chest, he nicked the woman's left breast. In such circumstances, facing a very tough opponent, this warrior is no longer willing to use the courtesy that would not be violated if circumstances are not urgent like that.
"Cusss ...!" the three fingers are right about the big left breast, but he just feels something soft warm.
The woman was totally unaffected, even glowering and saying, "Ihh, you're right, handsome, it's okay, it's nothing to do with your chest, hihik!"
Of course this swordsman became very red face. She felt embarrassed, but also curious. Totok science that he has been famous and has never failed. It was obvious that he had mugged the bloody path that was very dangerous on her chest, but why did the woman feel nothing at all, even insinuated her and considered her poking her chest? Angered, he lunged again with three of his sute.
"Enough is enough, bee and rest!"
Suddenly the umbrella closed again, turning into a strange sword and a roll of black rushing at the four men, then from above there were explosions and three more people collapsed hit by the tip of the woman's hair. Like the first person, they are crashed and paralyzed, can only look with wide eyes but unable to move their accomplices!
The youngest of them was shocked to see how four of his suheng had collapsed. But he was not afraid, even with anger and hatred overwhelming he cursed, "Wretched woman, low whore, female evil! I will not be there before I can kill you!"
"Aihhh ... You are full of passion but your mouth is full of insult!"
The machete was parried by the umbrella so hard it bounced. Before the man could dodge, the black lights grabbed and the ends of the hair had twisted around his neck! The man tried his best to remove the hair from his neck with both hands, but as soon as the woman moved her head, her hair split into a lot of lumps and the two arms of her wrist were wrinkled with hair that seemed to live like snakes strong black.
"Well, come here, handsome, get closer, need to be beat up to swear no more!"
The man had opened his mouth to swear again, but the hair on his neck tightened so he could not breathe, then the hair pulled him closer to the smiling woman! Now the man was very close, even his chest and abdomen had been attached to the chest that swept and the deflated stomach of the woman. He smelled a strange and uncomfortable scent, but because his neck was twisted, and his breathing did not work, he was forced to stick his tongue out.
"Aihhh, you need to be given a little hell, handsome!"
Four warriors stared at him with wide-eyed horror. The woman now leaned closer to their youngest sute, then opened her mouth and kissed their open mouth and the outstretched tongue. They saw their sute bodies rearing up a bit like holding back pain. Their sute eyes widen, but the woman continues to kiss and close his mouth with her wide mouth.
Unable to be seen by the four swordsman, how cruel and mean-spirited the devil has used her teeth to bite until the wound of their sute tongue protrudes outside, then sucks the blood from the wound on the tongue! The four of them just saw how the woman closed her eyes. Only now did they see the woman close her eyes, looking delicious. But their sute faces grew pale and their wide-eyed sute eyes imagined great excitement and fear.
Apparently the woman is not satisfied because the blood is sucked less, so now he release the mouth of the young man and move his mouth kiss to the neck of the young man. Can you imagine how surprised the four warriors saw that their sute mouth was full of blood red!
"Sute ... !!!" they exclaimed, but could not move their accomplices.
Sute they thrashed like a chicken slaughtered. His eyes glared at the suhengnya as people ask for help, then his body berkelojotan when the woman looked clear suck-his suction neck. It turns out that the large veins around his neck have been penetrated by pointed teeth and now with all his heart the woman sucks the blood that floods out from the veins around the neck! The bulging eyes gradually disappeared and faded, his face getting pale, and finally the stretched body was limp. The youngest man fainted because he lost a lot of blood, fear and horror.
Kiam-mo Cai-li let go of her hair and the body rolled down, stretched out pale and breathless.
"Sute ...!" They complained again and in horror they saw how the woman used her small red tongue and tapered it to lick the still-blooded lips on her lips that became redder.
Her face was reddish, fresh like a flower getting spray, beaming and as she approached the four, they stared in horror. But the woman did not attack them, presumably she was content to suck the blood of the youngest man. Only now his hands are twitching and once ruffled the four men's clothes have been torn apart.
Then he got to his feet. With alluring movements like a stripper, she undresses, takes off one by one while dancing! Until he was completely naked in front of the four men who looked away in horror and disgust!
"You serve me, please me, please me and I will free the five of you See, is not my body interesting? I just want to get your love, I do not want your life."
"Cih, female evil! What do you think we are people? We are the disciples of Hoa-san-pai who are not afraid to die, a thousand times better to die than to fill your cursed appetite for your disgusting lust!" said the four men mutual and help each other.
Kiam-mo Cai-li smiles. "Hi-hik, is that so, well then, you guys serve me to death!" He then leaned over and pulled an arm between them, then used the left little fingernail to scratch some places on his back and the nape of this man.
The man was shivering, biting his lip in pain, but because he could not muster a sink, he could not resist the enormous influence that rattled his body through the poisonous toenail injuries of the little finger. His face turned red, and his eyes became red and his breath was panting.
The other three warriors looked with concern and horror.
Suddenly the woman chuckled, using her hands freely so that the man could move his accomplices and there was something that made the three paralyzed warriors staring horribly. They saw that their Sute was like a lunatic pouncing on and embracing her body full of passion!
With their wide-eyed eyes, she saw how she welcomed him with her arms open, rolling over the grass and looking how much she let herself kiss, then distracted her wide mouth to their Sute's neck! The three of them had to close their eyes so as not to witness the embarrassing and cursed event.
They understand that Sute they do the damned thing because it is affected by the poison that the finger's little finger nails punctuated. They also knew that their Sute who was infected with the infernal influence did not know that her blood was sucked by the woman who, as it had been done to the first man, now also sucks her blood as much as she loves.
It can be presumed that the other three suffered the same torture without being able to do anything, without being able to resist it at all. This was done in succession by Kiam-mo Cai-li, and three days and three nights later he left the place licking his lips full of satisfaction. After he throws a clink at the five naked bodies that have become the corpses of all that, rushes him off to climb up Jeng-hoa-san to find Sin-tong which is very desirable.
Five Kego-Ngo-hohan's men suffered terrible deaths. Their bodies ran out of blood, skin wrinkled. They are like five flies that are trapped in cobwebs. After all their blood is drained away by the spider, their dead and runny bodies are thrown away.
Kwa Sin Liong, or better known by the nickname Sin-tong, in the morning as usual after sun bathing, then drying up the medicines and soon thereafter came the villagers who needed medicine for various diseases which they suffered. Sin-tong listens patiently to their complaints and statements about the pain they are suffering, preparing medications for all of them with a compassionate heart.
There were eleven dolphins, young elderly young men who looked at the boy with eyes full of admiration and adoration. Just met and looked at Sin-tong's face only, they already feel much less pain suffering them. It was as if there was authority out of the boy's loving face that eased the pain they suffered. Of course this is actually due to their full confidence that the boy will be able to cure their illness, so this belief itself is already a potent medicine.
And that magic boy is not a shaman who uses magic and magic or magic to treat people, but on the basis of a reasonable science of medicine. He chooses fruit, leaves, flowers or roots of medicine that do indeed contain the proper properties or the healing power of certain diseases.
Suddenly there was a song that grew more and more clearly heard by all of them. Also Sin Liong, the magic boy, stopped briefly collecting and choosing the medication to be distributed for hearing that strange singing voice. But once the words of the song were heard, he frowned and shook his head.
"Aihh, if life is only for the pursuit of pleasure, anything will certainly not be challenged to do in order to achieve pleasure!" says Sin Liong.
"Ha-ha-ha, that's right, Sin-tong! To have fun dare to do anything, including killing these incompetent guests!" sounds the answer and next up there has stood Pat-jiu Kai-ong!
As he continued his words, his wand was pressed to the ground in front of his feet and five times the end of the wand moved the ground and pebbles forward. A black light flashed five times, followed by screams of pain and collapsed in a row of five hamlets in front of Sin Liong. They collapsed and ransacked, then died instantly because the soil and the pebbles went into their heads!
"Hi-hi-hik, that kind of intelligence is on display in front of Sin-tong See this!"
Suddenly there was a melodious laugh and there was a beautiful woman who was none other than Kiammo Cai-li! He pointed his closed black umbrella toward the pale-faced residents of the village and stared wide-eyed at the five friends who had been killed.
"Cuat-cuat-cuat ...!" from the end of the umbrella it glided black and rays in a row, six living villagers screamed and collapsed motionless, their necks pierced by black needles that glided out from the end of the umbrella!
For a moment Sin Liong stared at the two men standing on his right and left. Then he looked down, toward the body of eleven sub-villagers who had become corpses. His face turned red, his tears sprang and he said with a loud voice, pointing his fingers in turn to Pat-jiu Kai-ong and Kiam-mo Cai, "You are a human or a devil, you two are very cruel, your deeds are very damned. Innocent people as if you are good at bringing people to life. "The boy looked at eleven dead bodies and sobbed.
"Hi-hi-hik! Good sons, are you afraid of me killing? Do not worry, I came not to kill you," said Kiam-mo Cai-li. He was rather disappointed to see how the magic boy cried and imagined him frightened.
Sin Liong looked up at her. Even her tears were still falling down, but her eyes did not even imagine fear. "You want to kill me or not, whatever, I'm not scared!"
"Ha-ha-ha! It's really great! Sin-tong, if you're not afraid, why cry?" Pat-jiu Kai-ong scolds.
"Are you weeping for the death of those worthless people?" Kiam-mo Cai-li connects.
"They are dead, why are we weeping? I am weeping at the cruelty that you are doing, I am weeping for seeing your apostasy and cruelty!"
The two heretical figures widened in astonishment at each other. Then they recalled their intentions for this prodigy, so they both laughed and laughed, and both of them swiftly rushed forward to bump into Sin-Liong who stood tall and stared with no eyes at all in fear of fear!
"Desss ...!"
Because of their simultaneous movements, accompanied by anxiety in case the others by first, then see Pat-jiu Kai-ong is closer to Sin-tong, Kiam-mo Cai-li then changes his movements. He did not want to catch Sin-tong because he lost first, but did a push motion with both hands towards Pat-jiu Kai-ong!
The long-range spanking by this demon lady was devastating, so Pat-jiu Kai-ong was shocked when a hot wind swooped in, so she quickly put off trying to capture Sin-tong and fend off. Both feel the opponent's enormity and bounce backward! For a moment they looked at each other and Pat-jiu Kai-ong who first can control himself and laugh.
"Ha-ha-ha! Long time no see, Kiam-mo Cai-li is becoming more and more handsome!"
"Pat-jiu Kai-ong, as long as I'm here, do not expect you'll be able to snatch Sin-tong from my hand!" the woman said and looked sharply, ready for the grandfather she knew was a formidable opponent.
"Aha! Kiam-mo Cai-li, this time you give it to me, I need it to perfect my knowledge ..."
"Hi-hik, Hiat's science-the Hoat-sut clan, is not it? You're tough enough, Kai-ong, and how easy it is for you to find a hundred more kids for you to suck blood, brain and marrow.
"Hemmm, do you want to win yourself? Do you think I do not know why you want Sin-tong? He's too young, Cai-li, it will not satisfy your heart, what's hard for you to find young, strong and fun people?"
We have the same desire, and the only way is to compete with intelligence! "
"Ha-ha-ha, that's great, I really want to try the clever Woman Skill of the Carcass Swamp!"
Liok Si, The Clever Woman Riding Sword from Swamp Carp already can not hold her anger to see someone dare to thwart it. So, shouting loudly, he had lunged forward with his peculiar weapon, the black umbrella that had a pointed blade.
Pat-jiu Kai-ong has moved his wand fend off. Gempuran two giant power to make both bounce back again. Pat-jiu Kai-ong quickly jumped forward, his wand turned into a scroll of black rays that grabbed violently.
"Trakk! Trakkk !!" twice the umbrella guns and the rod met in the air and both staggered backwards. Secretly they are both surprised and understood that in terms of magic power, their strength is balanced.
Before they continued the game, they suddenly stepped back and looked sharply because consecutively there five grandparents who saw how the emergence of the allegedly certainly have a high intelligence. They appear like demons, can not be heard or seen first, and suddenly stand there looking at Pat-jiu Kai-ong and Kiammo Cai-li in various ways.
These two elderly or black-headed elders look attentively, and at once they are shocked. Even among those five people there is something they have never met, but looking at their characteristics, these two black datuk people can recognize those who are all the weirdos in the kang-ouw world who each have a big name as magic people.
Meanwhile, Sin Tong became more and more grieved when he saw the two grandparents had competed for him. He did not suspect that in this peaceful place, where for almost three years lived in peace and tranquility, which made him almost forget the human cruelties of his mother's murder, he now witnessed even greater cruelty. Eleven innocent villagers were murdered by the two men!
So he sat on a rock, cross-legged and motionless like a statue. His heart was overwhelmed with grief, and he looked at him with ignorance. Even when the five strange men appeared, he did not make any reaction except to look attentively but with a completely ignorant attitude.
The first person was a sixty-year-old grandfather, big tall with a red face like a Kwan Kong character in Sam's story, looking very handsome. On his back were two crossed swords, his eyes wide, his eyebrows thick and his voice loud as he laughed, "Ha-ha-ha, it's not only the dashing fools who are attracted to Sin-tong, and the demons are coming, other!" With a clear remark addressed to Kiammo Cai-li and Pat-jiu Kai-ong, he looked at the two men openly.
This person is not indiscriminate. His own name is Siang-koan Houw, but he is more popularly known as Tee-tok (Poison Earth). In addition to being a tough poet, he is also very ferocious, facing an unforgiving opponent and besides, he is also very honest and outspoken, speaks and acts without pretense anymore.
The science of martial arts is very high, and the most famous of which is to stir the world of martial arts is the science of punch called Pek-lui-kun (Silat Hand of Lightning Science) and the science of his sword Ban-tok Siang-kiam (pair of Swords of Poisoned Poisons)! No one knows where he lives because he is a resident who appears everywhere unexpectedly as he appears today in the Thousand Flower Forest.
"Huhh, my old Sute who stays dumb!" said the second man. "You still do not understand what these demons want?" The rotten rascal would want to suck Sin-tong's blood and brain to perfect his fiendish Hiat-Ciang Hoat-sut, while this fiendish devil is what's sought except for Sin-tong's virility ? Hayo you deny, I want to see if you are so unashamed to deny! "
The man whose stabbing words are a grandfather who is a few years older than Tee-tok, even calling Tee tok as his former sute because it is so. She was tall and thin and looked like a terrible skeleton. In his armpit he slipped a long stick and his movements when speaking like a monkey who would not stay still, sometimes even scratching his head or butt, his wild eyes looking from side to side.
Here is a great figure who nicknamed Thian tok (Poison Sky), the former suheng Tee tok who has a distinctive intelligence. Besides being shrewd in terms of poison according to his name and nickname, he is also a devotee of Kauw Cee Thian or Cee Thian Thaiseng, The Monkey King. His weapon was a stick he named Kim as a wand like a Monkey King's wand. Also he has created an arts of martial arts that mimics the movements of a monkey he gave the name Sin-kauw-kun (Silat Monkey Sciences Sakti). Like Tee tok, he does not have a fixed residence, and no one knows his real name, Bhong Sek Bin.
"Hemmm, after I'm here, do not expect all sorts of demons to do as they please!" said the third person. His voice was rough and hard, his eyes like the edge of a stabbing sword.
This guy is called Ciang Ham, his nickname is Thian-he Te-it, World Number One! He was about 50 years old, and he was the chairman of the Kang-jiu-pang Association (Association of Arm Arm) he founded in Secuan. In his left hand was a long-handed spear gun, and aside from being a spear expert, he was famous for having a arm as strong as steel! His clothes were as compact as the martial arts practitioner used to be, and his movements showed that he had the ingenuity of martial arts in his body.
The fourth person is a man of letters, his attitude is smooth, he is 50 years old but still looks handsome. His body was medium and he was already pointing toward the two black-blooded datuks. At his waist was tucked into a walnut, long pen stationery.
"We are five of us with the same purpose coming to this place, unexpectedly meeting two famous personalities such as Ji-wi (both of you), Pat-jiu Kai-ong and Kiam-mo Cai-li, especially to Cai-li, accept my respect. "
Pat-jiu Kai-ong is soon able to know who this person is, but Kiam-mo Cai-li does not know him. The heart of this woman who had been hot to hear the words of opposition from the first three, felt as if stroked by the attitude and the words of this handsome man of the man of letters. So he replied to his respect and with a glance of charming eyes and a sweet little smile once he asked.
"Please forgive us, but who is a sweet brother and who certainly possesses this high knowledge of bun and bu (literature and silat)?"
The man smiled and replied softly, "I am a lowly person named Gin-siauw Siucai (Student of the Silver Flute), a loner in Beng-san."
Kiam-mo Cai-li again poked. With a smile he said, "Aihhh, I have long heard of Cin-siauw Siucai's name as a high martial artist, especially as a proficient flute bologna, and I have long heard of the beauty of nature's excursion in Beng-san. I hope I'll live a long time to visit beautiful Beng-san, be a friendly and courteous Gin-siauw Siucai guest, unlike most rude unkind men! " This last remark was clearly addressed to the first three rough characters.
The fifth of the class was a tosu, over sixty years old. His body was tall and thin and his face was pale, his left hand holding a hudtim and the right hand holding a ceaseless fan rocked his neck as if he was hot, whereas the air in the Thousand Flower Forest was cool! Now he opened his mouth and his melodious voice sang the poem in To-tek-kheng, the main book of the tosu (Religious To To)!
It is perfect, but it looks imperfect,
Looks incomplete, not even less useful.
Fully charged, but seems to overflow spilled,
It seems empty, never quite run out.
The most straight, seemingly crooked,
The smartest one, looking stupid,
The most eloquent, looking gagu,
Hot fire can cope with cold,
Cool water can overcome the heat.
The sage, pure and serene can bless the world!
 "Huah-ha-ha-ha! You must be Lam-hai Seng-jin (South Sea Sakti Man), is not it? To-tek-kheng poems seem to have become some kind of your stamp, ha-ha-ha!" said Pat-jiu Kai-ong with a mock laugh.
The Tosu said, "Siancai! Pat-jiu Kai-ong with sharp eyes, can know a tosu poor and stupid."
"Ah, do not be modest, Totiang," said Kiam-mo Cai-li, "Who is the person who does not know that even if you are a person in tosu and look poor, but have a palace and become the master of Turtle Island. Wearing battered clothes to cover the beautiful clothes inside. "
"Praise empty! ...!" The Tosu said and his face turned red.
Tee-tok Siangkoan Houw made an impatient groaning sound. "What's all this dreadful pretense? Pat-jiu Kai-ong and Kiam-mo Cai-li, when the five of us arrived, we saw you fighting over Sin-tong and of course these eleven villagers you two who killed him ! "
"Tee-tok, that's our business, what do you need to interfere with?" Pat-jiu Kai-ong replied with a smile and a subtle voice as his habit, but it was clear that he was not happy.
"But I do not know, the five of us have the same intentions, each of whom wishes Sin-tong to be his disciple, even if we fight against each other and fight over, but we fight over Sin-tong to be our disciple or between us, and you two have bad intentions! " said the famous Tee-tok as a man who never keeps his feelings and expels them all unmistakably through his loud voice.
"Tee-tok, do not be arrogant about you! Regarding the interests of each over Sin-tong, it's a private matter that no one else needs to know.overall, we seven each want to have Sin-tong for their own personal interests, of course Now how good are these five people who claim to be powerful and handsome figures from the world kang-ouw want to rely on a lot of people gang up on us both.I am, Kiam-mo Cai-li is not at all afraid even if I am a you gang but how fraudulent and despicable it is, especially Gin-siauw Siucai, certainly not so low as to do the beatings! " said Kiammo Cai-li who was astute.
"Your arrogant woman, Kiam-mo Cai-li!" Tee-tok yelled angrily and stepped forward. "Who is willing to attack you, I myself am enough to remove a female devil like you from the face of the earth!"
"Tee-tok, prove it!" Kiam-mo Cai-li yells and he steps forward.
"Eh-uh, first then! Are you two alone wanting Sin-tong? We do not want to be left behind!" said Pat-jiu Kai-ong.
"It's true that this fight should not be monopolized by two people, I'm not afraid of facing anyone to get Sin-tong!" Thian-te Te-it Ciang Ham yells while shaking his long spear across his chest.
"Siancai ...! Siancai ...!" Lam-hai Seng-jin stepped forward, shaking his kebutan. "Please Cuwi (you all) like to be patient and do not intervene in a chaotic manner, all should be arranged as fair as possible and we should not be a group of boys who usually just fight each other for something It is clear that we aim the same, that is to get Sin- tong, but we forget that this is entirely up to the election of Sin-tong himself, so let us promise We ask Sin-tong who he wants to go with and if he has made his choice, no one should forbid or interfere. How?"
"Hemm, not that bad decision, I agree!" said Tee-tok.
"I agree!" Thian-tok said and the others had no reason to disagree with this fair decision.
Then Thian-tok goes on with words that are deliberately made to be heard by Sin-tong. "Of course everything must be honest and do not deceive Sin-tong for the true intentions of the heart, for example, who wants to take a disciple, who wants to suck his blood or is willing to rape and suck his virility essence must also be candid!"
Of course the two black figures were sulking once and wanted to attack the devious Thian-tok.
"What's in the heart of those who know? You might say you want to take a student, but who knows if you want his life?" Kiam-mo Cai-li mocks Thian-tok.
"You ... Come on, feel this Kim-Kauw-pang pusakaku!"
"Who can be afraid?" The woman snapped back.
"Siancai ...!" Lam-hai Seng-jin denounces and steps forward. "Are you really going to be a child?" He said he agreed, so let's hear for himself who Sin-tong's choice is. "
The seven men then approached Sin-tong who was still sitting cross-legged like a statue. His heart filled with horror witnessed the behavior of the seven men.
"Good Sin Tong, look, I'm the only one of us seven.look at me, a lonely and miserable woman with no children I hear that you are alone, have no mother-mother anymore. , come with me, then I will be your mother's substitute who loves you with all my soul.let's live as a prince in my palace, in Rawa Carrion, and you will be an honorable and noble.come Sin-tong, my son! "
Sin Tong looked up at the woman's face for a moment, then she looked down and did not answer, nor did she move. His heart is getting sick because he can clearly see the falsehood behind the cajoling, especially if he remembers just how smiling this woman can just kill the lives of six innocent villagers! He cringed and could not answer.
"Sin-tong, I am the chairman of Pat-jiu Kai-pang in the mountains of a chairman of a beggar's association, of course I am sorry to see you a son who lives a come with me, Sin-tong, and one day you will be the King of Beggars, do not you like to help people? The people you need to help the most are the beggars who live come with me, and Pat-jiu Kai-ong will make you the most handsome in this world ! "
Sin-tong returns to look at the face and silently shudders. The man who can kill five villagers while laughing like this grandfather now offers him to become a beggar king! He did not reply too, just back lowered his face.
"Son of a prodigy, a good boy, Sin Tong, listen to me I am Gin-siauw Siucai, a solitary writer who became a hermit in Beng-san During my life I have never done bad deeds and for decades I diligently collect martial arts , the science of literature and the science of blowing the flute, I am anxious to appoint you as my disciple, Sin-tong. "
"Ha-ha-ha, you are with me, Sin-tong, even if I am a rude person, but my heart is weak with children, I own a girl as much as you, so you become a brother, you become my disciple and you will not be disappointed to be Tee-tok's disciple.get me be your teacher, Sin-tong. "
I'm Bhong Sek Bin, my name I never say to anyone and now I say in front of you, a sign that I trust and love you.I am a descendant of the Goddess Sakti Cee Thian Thai-zinc, I am the one who inherited the science of Kim- You're a pupil of Thian-tok and you'll rule the kang-ouw world, Sin Tong. "
"Better to be my disciple, I'm Thian-he Te-it Ciang Ham, under the world's number one and chairman of Kang-jiu-pang in Secuan, being my disciple means being the smartest human being under the heavens!"
"Siancai ...! Siancai ...! You hear them all, Sin-tong, All to teach martial arts and show off worldly riches, no one wants to teach you kebatinan.but pinto (I) eager to take pupils to you, want to make you a prospective professor of kebatinan You are gifted for it! Who knows you will have great wisdom like the Prophet Lo-cu himself, and you become a new prophet You become disciple Lam-hai Sengjin, Sin-tong !"
There was a pause. All eyes are directed to the boy who is still sitting cross-legged like a statue and who never answers except to look up briefly at the person who persuades him.
The sound of the boy's voice vibrated and filled with sorrow. "Thanks to Cuwi Locianpwe, but I can not join anyone in Cuwi because behind all the goodness of Cuwi there is violence and passion to kill my fellow human, I will not take anybody .I prefer to stay here, in this place is silent, please Cuwi leave me, I will bury these pitiful corpses. "
"Well, a stone head, then I'll make you!" said Tee-tok, who was violent and violent.
"Anyway, anyway, anybody should not bother him!" snapped Thian-tok.
"Siancai ... Patient first! It is clear that this magic boy will not choose one of us voluntarily, so we all want to take it violently, so we must be organized as best and as fair as we are, not a child, we are people who have gathered a lot of knowledge, so it's best if we now each issue science and complain knowledge.who who came out as winners, of course entitled to have Sin-tong, "said Lam-hai Seng-jin who is more patient than the other.
"How can you manage that?" argued Pat-jiu kai-ong who was afraid that the five men were going to hit him and Kiam-mo Cai-li. "Better is a man's opponent, who loses in the box and who wins must face another after resting, so just be fair!"
"No!" said Kiam-mo Cai-li. This wily woman can see the opportunity that will benefit her if there is a match together as suggested by Lam-hai Seng-jin. In such a battle, whoever is clever will certainly come out as the winner. "If it's one-on-one, it's too long, it's best for seven of us to get science out and attack each other without looking at feathers, so the only person who comes out as a winner is obviously more sly than the other."
Finally Pat-jiu kai-ong lost the voice. The seven men had pulled out their weapons, forming a large circle and moving slowly to each other's lyrics, ready to hit who was approaching and fending off attacks from anywhere! What a tough and weird game!
Sin Tong who was still sitting cross-legged looked wide-eyed, and he became dazzled when the seven men had started moving their weapons to attack and deflect. Their movements were so fast that Sin Tong, visible only scrolls of gun rays and the shadows of people flashing without being able to clearly see whose shadow.
It is a great match because it is viewed in passing, as if everyone is fighting against six enemies and sometimes funny things happen. When Tee-tok attacks Pat-jiu Kai-ong with his si-kiam, the pair of his swords are chopped from the left-hand side. Pat-jiu Kai-ong is shocked because at that moment he is attacking Lam-hai Seng-jin who on the other hand is also attacking Gin-siauw Siucai! But there was a loud noise when the pair of Tee-tok's swords met with spears in Thian-he Te-it's hands and Thian-tok's wand, so as if these two guys were protecting Pat-jiu Kai-ong.
The match was a mess and only Kiam-mo Cai-li was really very clever. He does not serve a certain person, but rather runs around in circles. He always avoids any opponent's attack and he does not attack anyone, just moves his umbrella sword and his hair to make a mess and sometimes also oppresses the opponent when he sees that one of them is pressed. The trick is to knock down one by one by 'ganging' without helping anyone to reduce the number of opponents.
But they are average people who have a high intelligence, it is not easy to be backed by Kiam-mo Cai-li, even long after the culprit is caught and they start addressing weapons to this woman so inevitably she was dragged into in that chaotic game! Forced to defend himself with his umbrella sword, and avenge the nearest opponent's attack with an overflow of anger.
Sin Tong becomes blank. Who knows when he came, he saw a man sitting on the top of a big tree branch growing near the battlefield. The man looked toward the battle with wide-eyed eyes, his left hand holding a large white cloth, and his right hand holding a stationery incessantly scribbled on the white cloth, as if he were not watching the game, but was watching the beautiful scenery and painting the scene! Sin Tong who was amazed it was paying more attention.
The man was about forty years old. His clothes are like a student, but on the chest of his yellow dress there is a picture of a Golden Dragon and a Red Hong. What a beautiful painting it is. His face is handsome and handsome, with his mustache and beard well preserved. His clothes are also clean and made of fine silk, the shoes worn by both legs are new or at least very well preserved so that they are shiny. Her hair was wearing a kirkah sasterawan and her eyes were glowing with excitement as she scribbled to paint the match between the seven magicians.
Sin Tong getting confused. How is it possible to paint the seven people who were in the almost invisible glimpse of it? Sin Tong is no longer paying attention to the game, just looking at that person. He heard loud exclamations and did not know that the seven men had been hurt.
Thian-he Te-it has been hit by Thian-tok's stick on her thigh so it feels very painful. Pat-jiu Kai-ong was also hit by his shoulder, bleeding by a bar between Siang-kiam in Tee-tok's hands, while Lam-hai Seng-jin and Gin-siauw Siucai had also pitted and both were thrilled to vomit blood, they did not suffer severe internal injuries.
Sin Tong saw how the man on the tree smiled. The man stopped the graffiti, then stashed a pencil and grabbed the outer robe that had been hanging on a tree branch. After wearing a robe, the man then pocketed the image he had rolled and finally his body floated down.
"The spectacle is not good!" he heard a cry. "Seven crazed mad parents show a spectacle in front of a small child, really shameless at all!"
Seven people were shocked when they heard a voice that immediately thrilled their hearts. Understand them that this coming has a very strong sense of awareness and intimacy so that it can regulate its voice, directly used to attack them and not at all affect Sin-tong who is still sitting cross-legged. With their tense hearts, they jumped backward and each struck the weapon in front of his chest, looking toward the emerging man. But none of them knew him, and the seven became very angry.
"Little bastard, you who dare to interfere with our business and swear at us ?!" snapped Pat-jiu Kai-ong as he rubbed his bloody shoulder.
"Do you have intelligence then dare to reproach us, little rats?" snapped Thian-he Te-it who still ached his thighs, and luckily that his thighs were not broken bones.
The man stepped forward approaching them with steadfast steps and no fear at all, even his face beamed at them one by one. After being in the middle of being locked up, then he said, "I just heard that there is a good child threatened by the struggle for clever people in the world of Kang-ouw. When I arrived here and saw your actions, I couldn't help but enter because my heart is really curious to see your movement that is really still raw. The science of his wand is of course Pat-mo-tung-hoat based on Pat-mo-kiam-hoat, "he said, pointing at Pat-jiu Kai-ong.
The beggar king was very surprised to see people know the knowledge of his stick. Whereas the seven of them competed with incredible speed, how can this person know the knowledge of his stick?
"And the science of his stick is even more funny and chaotic. Imitating the Kauw Cee Thian Monkey King's movements, but stiff and raw, does not deserve to be the Monkey King's movement, it deserves to be the Rat King's movement!" he said while pointing towards Thian-tok.
"Brakkk !!" the large stone next to Thian-tok fell apart due to being hit by his staff. He was very angry at the words he deemed insulting.
"Sassy man, dare you insult Thian-tok?" he snapped and his wand was rotated to attack.
But the man snapped, "Stop!"
And strangely, his voice was so authoritative that Thian-tok itself trembled and stopped the movement of his wand.
"I see each of you having special intelligence but still all raw. I'm not lying, and if you don't believe, let you advance one by one. I'll show you the martial arts skills you use in the chaotic match. Hayo who's advance first, I'll serve with your own martial arts! "
This saying brings more wonder and disbelief than anger. Then Pat-jiu Kai-ong forgot his injured shoulder. Quickly he had jumped forward, stretching his wand in front of his chest while shouting, "Well, try to prove my knowledge of my stick!"
After saying that, this Beggar King attacked. He used his stick to stab, then this movement continued by turning the stick up against the head. Indeed the movement of his wand was the sword movement he had taken from the Pat-mo-kiam-hoat Sword Science. This is the secret, so he was very surprised to hear that handsome handsome man knew his stick knowledge and at the same time opened his secret.
The other six figures are famous people, so they hold back anger and watch to see if this infamous person really has strange intelligence and is truly as clever as his overbearing mouth.
Pat-jiu Kai-ong's attack was not parried, but the person's body suddenly disappeared! Everyone was shocked and dumbfounded at how the body of the person was suddenly floating down from the top of the tree, in his hand was a tree branch whose leaves had been cleaned. So quickly he jumped so that he was invisible, and somehow he knew quickly that he had made a stick the same size as the stick held by Pat-jiu Kai-ong. As soon as he descended, Pat-jiu Kaiong had attacked him with anger overflowing.
"Now, look. Isn't this the Pat-mo-kiam-hoat that you changed to Pat-mo-tung-hoat?"
That person is now balancing the stick game Pat-jiu Kai-ong with the same movement! The man's skill is played out to deflect and strike back, but the difference is that the attack is much faster and the power of the sink that moves the stick is also stronger! Other characters only guessed, thinking that the new person was imitating Pat-jiu Kai-ong's movements.
But this Beggar King himself knew the movement of the person which was nothing but the science of the stick he composed himself! He became confused and surprised, let alone the attack of the person was faster than lightning and in a dozen moves, suddenly there was a loud voice. The stick in the hands of Pat-jiu Kai-ong broke and the Beggar King himself slammed. His face was very pale because the tip of the opponent's wand had grabbed his forehead right between the eyes, and if he wanted he would have died. But the strange person just scratched it so the skin on the part was torn and bleeding.
He knew that he had dealt with someone who had knowledge of intelligence that far surpassed him. He also realized that his life had been forgiven, so without much skill he then backed away and stood with a pale face and mouth whispered, "I confess defeat!"
Of course this shocked six other figures! They had been in a chaotic match that had collided with the Beggar King. They understood that in addition to the knowledge of his wand, he was very astute, also that the stick itself was a powerful heirloom weapon deflecting sharp weapons, in addition to the power of the very powerful Grandpa's sink. However, in dozens of moves the grandfather claimed to be defeated, his wand was broken and his eyebrows were injured, while they had thought that the person who had just arrived was only imitating martial arts Pat-jiu Kai-ong!
"The old Jembel is stupid!"
Suddenly Thian-he, Ciang Ham jumped forward. His spear was crossed in his right hand, while his left hand was clenched, his left hand which contained miraculous power and was known as Kang-jiu (Steel Arm) which was strong against the sharp weapon!
The person smiled patiently. "Hemm, so this was Pat-jiu Kai-ong, the famous chairman of Pat-jiu Kai-pang? Surprisingly, the knowledge is still as low as that, I have dared to go badly across Heng-san. And who are you? Your Ginkang is quite good but the game of your spear is not worthy of being called Sin-jio (Spear of Sakti), and the blow, of course the one called Steel Arm, unfortunately doesn't match its name because it's too weak, hemm, too weak ...!"
Ciang Ham's face became very red with anger. It was his habit when he was angry again, his eyes glared and his rare mustache wobbled according to his trembling upper lip! "The bastard is arrogant! Do you know who you are dealing with? I am Thianhe Te-it (World Number One) chairman of Kang-jiu-pang in Secuan! Prepare to break in my hand!"
Again the person jumped up, now everyone who had noticed all his movements saw that the person really had a ginkang that was hard to believe. Just by slapping the tip of his foot, his body shot at an incredible speed, then vanished into a large tree and soon it had drifted down carrying a branch with the same length as the spear in the hands of Ciang Ham, even the tip was sharpened, somehow !
"Well, try playing your spear and your raw arm," he said with a smile.
Thian-he Te-Ciang Ham doesn't play angry. As he pulled out a loud grunt he lunged. The spear moved violently so that the spear eyes turned into dozens. All of those spears seemed to attack certain parts of their opponents!
But that person moved the tree branch spear with the same movement, even the 'spear' eyes turned to twenty more, forming a blinding spear shadow. Then there was a very strange spear match because their movements were the same.
You can imagine how shocked Thian-he's heart was, Ciang Ham. The knowledge of the spear is his own creation and so far it has never been taught to anyone, it is his powerful intelligence. But now he saw this person playing his spear with a faster and stronger movement! Angry him.
"You're a devil!" he cursed.
Now his spear made a large circle, grabbing it over the opponent's head, while his left arm struck a deadly blow because it was as if it was a very strong steel weapon.
"Nice!" the man exclaimed. The spear moved also welcomed the opponent's spear.
"Krekkk!" Came the sound when Thian-he's spear Te-it broke, followed by the meeting of two arms.
"Desss ...!"
Thian-he The Ciang Ham complained, throwing his broken spear, using his right hand sequencing his left arm. The left arm, known as the Steel Arm, dared to fend off the opponent's sharp weapons, once it met with the opponent's arm turned into like bamboo meeting iron. The bone is cracked and the pain isn't playing! He is not a child either. Instantly he knew that he was dealing with someone who had a much higher level, making him appear to be dealing with his teacher. So he jumped back, grimaced and said loudly, "I lost!"
A moment of silence. Five other figures were astonished, almost unable to believe the events that had happened. Even if they start to feel astonished and trembling, curiosity makes them forget the fact that the person is really good at it. They wanted to prove for themselves whether this strange person could play their special knowledge that had been lifting their name in a high place in the world of kang-ouw.
"Hayo, who else wants to show off his raw knowledge?" the person deliberately challenged while throwing a tree branch spear that had managed to break the tip of the heirloom in the hands of Ciang Ham earlier.
"I want to try!" Thian-tok had jumped forward with an ape-like gesture and his left hand was scratching his buttocks, the right hand holding Kim-you-wand was twirling his wand.
"Later," said the person. "The spearhead, isn't he the one who is famous as chairman of Kang-jiu-pang in Secuan? Please Pangcu (Chairman) keep your subordinates from lowering Kang-jiu-pang's name by committing illegal acts and improving his martial arts."
Ciang Ham did not answer, only his mustache rocked with anger.
"And you, do you have scabies in the butt, or do you want to imitate the behavior of a monkey? Then, of course you are nicknamed Thian-tok, who is said to be a devotee of Kauw Cee Thian, famous for the Kim-kauw-pang Stick Science and Silat Science Sin-kauw-kun. "
"Your guess is right, I'm Thian-tok! Who is your name, arrogant man?" Thian-tok Bhong Sek Bin shouted angrily. "Or do you dare not acknowledge your name and act as a coward stole someone else's knowledge?"
Even if attacked with insulting words, this person just smiled and replied, "My name there is no need for you to know. If I am not able to defeat you with your own knowledge, then I will introduce myself and you can do as you please against me."
Thian-tok then emits a loud squealing sound like an angry monkey. But before he attacked, the strange man had grabbed the tree branch's spear that had been thrown onto the ground. The spear was long and once he moved his finger, the spearhead of the pointed branch was broken and the spear changed into a stick the same length as Kim-gong in the hands of Thian-tok!
Thian-tock has hit with an agile movement. The kowel in his hand was twisted around in such a way that his mouth took out the great shrieks and his body vanished wrapped in a stick of his own beam. However, the person happily twisted his wand, similar to the Thian-tok movement, even though his mouth also shrieked like a monkey.
A strange and funny match happens, as if it isn't playing, but Thian-tok is practicing martial arts with his teacher. Their movements are the same, but the person's movements are faster and more steady. Back not until twenty stance sounded loud. The Kim-kun's hand in Thian-tok's hand broke into three pieces and the Heavenly Poison staggered back with a pale face because his shoulder bone was almost broken hit by the opponent's stick!
Seeing how the former temperature lost, Tee-tok was furious. The day and night on his back had been lifted and without much skill he had jumped forward. "Take out your weapon, cunning man! I am tee-in, this is my opponent in the afternoon if you are indeed dashing!"
The person said, "Aha, presumably the famous Siangkoan Houw Tee-shirts. I saw that your swordsmanship is a fragment of the Hui-liong-kiamsut, and you are also good at using Pek-lui-kun Silat Science. However, like the others, your movements are still raw."
"Don't need a lot of skill! Fight your knowledge!" Tee-tok snapped angrily and he had already lunged forward.
The man broke his stick into two pieces of the same stick with swords in both hands of Tee-tock. As soon as he moved his hands, there were rays rolling with exactly the same movements as the Tee-tock movement that twisted a pair of his swords.
Again there was a great, exciting and weird match. Time and again there was a loud voice with the meeting of the sword and the stick, but strangely, the stick from the branch of the tree was completely unable to break, even Tee-tok's hands always felt hot and sore every time the sword met the stick! Tee-tok meticulously watched the movement of people and he was surprised. It's true that the person is playing his sword skills! And instead of just playing his sword skills, he even urged him with great pressure because the person was far more agile and stronger than him.
After fifteen of Tee-tok's moves exclaimed, "I confess defeat!" He jumped backwards, saved his sword and raised his hand to the person while saying, "Hope you receive my respect with Pek-lui-kun!"
Apparently he saluted by raising both hands in front of the chest, but from both palms it grabbed a deadly blow that brought heat and which could kill an opponent from a distance of three four meters without his hand touching the opponent's body! That is Pek-lui-kun's punch (Lightning Fist) which contains powerful power!
The person had tossed a pair of short sticks. Smiling, he also made a similar gesture. There was a power fight that was not visible to the eyes. In the midst of the air, between the two men there was a tremendous clash of energy and as a result made Tee-tok bounce back, staggered and from his mouth vomited fresh blood! He was not seriously injured because Pek-lui-kun's energy flipped, only trembling violently and his face grew pale.
"You are amazing and I am very impressed with you, friend!" Gin-siauw Siucai said while stepping forward. "I know that I don't seem to be your match either, but my heart is curious before seeing you play my knowledge which you think is still raw too. I am Gin-siauw Siucai from Beng-san, my weapon is flute and feather pencil, either you can play it or not."
"Gin-siauw Siucai, I've been hearing your famous name for a long time. Don't worry, I can certainly play your knowledge. With this short twig I imitate your flute, and I also have a feather pencil."
The person picked up a branch that was the same length as the silver flute in the hands of Gin-siauw Siucai. He also pulled out the feather pencil he had used to scribble when the seven magic figures were fighting each other. However, if the feather pencil in the hands of Gin-siauw Siucai is a typical pencil, not only for writing but also used as a weapon so that the handle is made of pure steel, the pencil in the person's hand is just an ordinary pencil.
Ruffled Gin-siauw Siucai eyebrows. The person he considered too despised him. But because the person smiled and imitated moving the pencil and 'flute' in his hand, he then said, "It's okay, you have won. If you lose, people will blame me for using a stronger weapon. I am the loser, you will become more famous, even though we don't know who you are. Now, start!"
Siucai is clever and he deliberately challenges the opponent to move first. But the man smiled and while moving the two special weapons said, "Look carefully, Siucai. Isn't this the most powerful step from your flute and pencil?"
The hands of the person moved and Gin-siauw Siucai was surprised to know the deadly moves of the two weapons played by that person to attack him! Of course he can solve his own scientific skills and succeed in fending off both opponents' weapons, but like the others, he feels how his arms are trembling violently, a sign that in sync, he is still far behind
Gin-siauw Siucai was very curious. For decades he meditated in Beng-san to create high silat sciences that were kept secret and had never been taught to anyone. How has this person been stolen without him knowing? He fought desperately, releasing the most powerful moves from his two weapons, but because of losing strength, every time he was defeated he staggered.
Like the others, he was unable to survive more than twenty moves. There was a loud noise and the two weapons, flutes and pencils, were broken when they met the simple opponent's weapon. He jumped backwards, shot and said, "The Taihiap Skill (Great Swordsman) is really great, I who foolishly claims defeat."
The person smiled and praised "It's not useless the nickname Gin-siauw Siucai because it's great for your intelligence."
The words clearly showed admiration, not ridicule, so Gin-siauw Siucai became more amazed and amazed.
"Now comes the pinto turn for you to defeat, a brave friend. However, because a pair of pinto weapons are a hudtim and fan, which of course you cannot copy, what if we compete with bare hands? I should see if you are able to defeat pinto with martial arts pinto empty hand yourself? "
The person was still smiling, but he was quietly surprised. It's no wonder this is very clever. He has never seen the tosu play empty-handed martial arts, how will he be able to imitate it? But calmly he replied, "Of course I will serve Totiang's will, but before competing, I hope Totiang doesn't mind introducing the name."
"Siancai ...! You are cunning, buddy. Everybody wants to be known by his name, but you yourself hide the name. All right, pinto is Lam-hai Seng-jin who has a low opinion ..."
"Aihh, presumably Tocu (Island Islander) from Kura-turtle Island? It has been a long time to hear the name Totiang, I'm glad to meet and play for a while with Totiang."
"Well, get ready!" Lam-hai Seng-jin had put up a stance while looking sharply at the opponent because he was eager to know whether this opponent would be able to bring him down with his own martial arts!
Secretly the person watched and smiled. He then put up the same horses, horses from the Blank Hand Silat Science of Bian-sin-kun (Tangan Kipas Sakti), a kind of martial arts based on high levels of sinkang so that the palms become smooth like cotton, but contain a blow terrible death.
"Hiiattt ... !!"
The Tosu had crashed with his deadly blow. It seemed to him that his opponent dodged quickly with strange movements, not at all a martial arts movement. But how shocked the Tosu was when he saw that once he dodged the opponent in the next second he had hit it with the same moves, the one he had just used! Understandably the greatness of this stance, he quickly dodged to solve his own knowledge, but it must be acknowledged that the person had let go with strange movements much faster and even while dodging that person could strike back!
Again Lam-hai Seng-jin attacks with another, more powerful, and like that, his opponent jumped up and suddenly he replied with an attack from the same direction! Of course he can also avoid himself and the longer he becomes more curious. Issued all the science of savings, the deadly moves of Bian-sin-kun to eight steps. All people can avoid this move and suddenly the person exclaims, "Totiang, take care of the attacks of Silat Science Bian-sin-kun!"
Intensively, the man attacked him with the moves he had already issued, the eight most effective moves from Bian-sin-kun. Because the movement of the person was fast and not playing, Lam-Hai Sengjin did not get the chance to strike back so that he was threatened and pushed hard by his own martial arts. Even if he knew how to break the attacks of Bian-sin-kun, but because of losing strength and losing quickly, finally his back was slapped and he slammed, his face was pale and he had to quickly regulate his breathing so that the contents of his chest were not injured.
"Siancai ... You are truly a magic man ...," he finally said, rising slowly.
"Let me go...!" suddenly there was a subtle cry and everyone looked at Sin Tong and saw how the prodigal child had been carried by Kiam-mo Cai-li's left arm.
"Hey, let him go!" Six powerful grandfather advanced together.
"Retreat!" Kiam-mo Cai-li snapped and stuck the tip of the sword's umbrella in the right hand to Sin Liong's neck. "Back off you, otherwise he will die!"
Seeing this threat, the six people were forced to step back all.
The strange man glanced in the eyes, then he stepped forward. His voice was smooth but full of authority when he said, "Kiam-mo Cai-li, let go of the innocent boy!"
"Hi-hik, it's good for you. Back off or he'll break up at the end of my umbrella!" he pressed the tip of the pointed umbrella to Sin Liong's neck which was unable to move in the strong arms of his left arm.
However, unlike the other six grandfathers, the man still smiled and continued to move forward, making Kiam-mo Cai-li back and forth. After a man said then,
"That kid has nothing to do with me. If you kill him, kill. But for God's sake, I will catch you and will give your body to the Ice Bear to become his food!" while saying so, the man took off his outer robe.
"You ... You ... Prince Han Ti Ong ..."
"Prince Han Ti Ong ...!" the Kangouw figures shouted.
"Prince of Ice Island ...?!"
Kiam-mo Cai-li who had already felt that the magical boy could certainly be brought, became very angry. He screamed in a long, shrill voice. Her hair grabbed forward, towards Prince Han Ti Ong's neck, and her umbrella sword also slid with a powerful attack.
The man called Prince Han Ti Ong was calm, not dodging when the thick hair tip was like a snake wrapped around his neck. But when the umbrella sword flashed, he caught the umbrella and once moved the hand of the sword the sword cut off the haircut that involved his neck.
His hand doesn't stop there. While Kiam-mo Cai-li screamed at the hair he was proud of and relied on it breaking in half, Prince Han Ti Ong's hands moved, and suddenly the body of Sin Liong could be seized after he first slapped the demon woman's back so that Kiam-mo Cai's body -l becomes limp and paralyzed! With Sin Liong in the base of his left arm, now Prince Han Ti Ong flipped over and faced the seven people, ignoring Kiam-mo Cai-li who was awake and crawled up.
"Are there any of you who want to disturb this child? This time I certainly won't be smooth anymore!"
"Siancai ...!" Lam-hai Sian-jin lurks, "Please forgive pinto who doesn't know Ong, so he is being rude."
"I'm sorry, Prince."
"Forgive me..."
The six grandfathers muttered sorry, only Kiam-mo Cai-li did not apologize, even this woman said, "Prince Han Ti Ong, just wait. Kiam-mo Cai-li is not used to letting people insult without taking revenge! "
"Hemmm, it's up to you. I've always been on Ice Island. Now, you go, old people who don't know themselves, have the heart to bother a child."
Head down, seven kangouw figures whose names were famous left the Thousand Flowers Forest. Because they use their intelligence, only their images appear to flash and for a moment they disappear from that place.
"Hemmm ... Dangerous ..." Han Ti Ong let go of Sin Liong and let out a long sigh while looking at the boy who was kneeling in front of him.
"Lo-cianpwe, besides being magical and wise, it is also clever ..." Sin Liong said praising while looking at the Prince's face in awe.
Han Ti Ong furrowed his eyebrows. "Hemmm, why are you saying that, especially what does it mean to say I'm smart?"
"Lo-cianpwe defeated them, meaning that Lo-cianpwe is very powerful. Lo-cianpwe forgive and let them escape, meaning Lo-cianpwe is wise. And Lo-cianpwe had recorded their movements and then defeated them with their own knowledge. -cianpwe notes, that means Lo-cianpwe is very clever. "
That dashing face changed. The sharp eyes looked in wonder and awe, then he said, "Wow, in ingenuity, I will not be able to fight you later! Intellect and ingenuity are very necessary to maintain life in this dangerous world. Do you know that without using reason, heat their hearts by defeating them with their own knowledge, if they advance together gang up on me, not necessarily I can win! Now you are free from danger, well, I go ...! "
Seeing the man turn around and walk away from it, Sin Liong looked at the corpse of the eleven people who were still lying there, then he exclaimed, "Lo-cianpwe ..."
Prince Han Ti Ong stopped stepping and turned. He was surprised by himself. It was not unusual for him to obey people's orders except for his father's voice, the third king of Ice Island. But there was something in the boy's voice that made him inevitably stop his steps. Prince Ti Ti Ong then turned and asked, "What's the matter?"
With still kneeling Sin Liong said, "Lo-cianpwe, may you let Lo-cianpwe accept teecu as a student."
Han Ti Ong now turned around and approached the child who was still kneeling. "Boy, what's your name?"
"Teecu She Kwa named Sin Liong."
Briefly Sin Liong then told of the death of his round father, about why he had fled and hid in the forest, and about his horror and disgust to witness human cruelty to feel a peaceful and peaceful place in that place.
"Hemm, do you want to be my student to learn what?"
"Studying the wisdom of Lo-cianpwe and of course learning magic power."
"If you just want to learn martial arts, why did you refuse when the characters offered you to become their students? They are figures who have great powers."
"But I still see the violence behind their intelligence. Teecu is amazed by Lo-cianpwe not only because of magic, especially because of the compassion for Lo-cianpwe."
"But you want to learn martial arts, what do you want to use for it? Aren't you more needed and useful to be here for the people around Jeng-hoa-san?"
"Sorry Lo-cianpwe. There is no end to my heart's hair to use magic power in acts of violence. And it is also inappropriate if teecu's intelligence here is useful for the residents. The proof is that teecu can only treat sick people, if even coincidence. Whereas these eleven people were struck by the danger of death to death without being able to prevent it altogether.if I had the intelligence of Lo-cianpwe, would these eleven people die so miserably? Teecu now saw that helping people not only relied on medicine, but also to save fellow humanity from the oppression of a strong, evil person, is needed intelligence. Please, Lo-cianpwe will fulfill your request. "
"I am an inhabitant of the Ice Island. Living there is not easy and easy, unlike here. You will experience difficulties, even suffer in that cold place."
"Whatever difficulty I will accept with my heart is willing, because no results can be achieved without effort, Lo-cianpwe."
Han Ti Ong smiled. Indeed, he was very interested in seeing this boy nicknamed Sin Tong. This kid is not worried about himself at all, but for the safety of others who are weak. Besides that, his sharp eyesight could see that this boy was indeed a magical child, possessing sharpness of mind and extraordinary views. And most amazingly, this boy also has clean blood and bones, his talent is even greater than his own!
If at first he didn't want to accept this boy as a student because he felt ashamed of himself. If he takes this child as a student, then what's the difference between him and the seven people he drove away? However, there is indeed a difference now that Sin Liong himself applied to be accepted as his student.
"If indeed it is unanimous your will be my student, alright, Sin-Liong. Come with me, but don't regret it later. Hayo!" Han Ti Ong again turned around and was about to step away.
"Temperature, later ...!"
The prince frowned. Again he heard the tremendous influence behind the boy's voice that forced him to turn! In an annoyed voice he said, "What else do you want?"
"Sorry, Suhu. Where can I leave the eleven bodies here like this?"
"After all, what do you want?"
"Teecu must bury them first before leaving."
"If I forbid you?"
"Teecu does not believe that Suhu will be that cruel, but he is confident of the goodness of Suhu. But if Temperat really banned teecu, it would be forced to disobey and still bury the bodies. "
A pair of prince's eyes widened in amazement. A seven-year-old child has the courage to have a position like a solid rock. "What kind of student are you? It's all right to be ready to disobey Master!"
"Teecu became a student not blind, and I wanted to learn good knowledge. If I just obeyed the temperature command that was not right, it would be the same as dragging the temperature into error."
Han Ti Ong's eyes widened. He was almost angry, but he could see what was hidden behind this seemingly insolent speech and he nodded. "Do your will, I will wait."
"Thank you! Teecu does know that Suhu is a wise magician!"
With Sin Liong's face glowing and digging a hole. However, because he is only a child and what he uses to dig is just a small ordinary hoe given by the hamlet people, and what he usually uses to dig and look for the roots of drugs, then of course digging a hole to bury eleven corpses is not a job light and easy!
At first Han Ti Ong sat under a tree and glanced at the student who worked hard. He thought that of course the boy would be exhausted and would rest. But he was disappointed. Sin Liong worked continuously so that even his accomplices were all sore, and sweat soaked the entire body, dripping from his forehead and sometimes rubbed with his sleeve. But he never stopped working.
Already half a day hoeing, you can only make a hole that is only enough for two corpses. If it continues, it seems to be able to dig enough holes for all the corpses, he must work for two days and two nights or more!
"Hemm, his heart is soft but his will is hard. Really a magical boy," Han Ti Ong complained to himself and he then got up.
He grabbed the hoe from the hand of his student and said nothing more and then hoeed. His movements were so fast that Sin Liong retreated and watched as his eyes blurred. The teacher's body seemed to change into a lot, all hoeing up for a while had been made a very large hole which was enough to bury the eleven corpses.
"Never mind, dead is crying, there's no use. Let's go!"
Sin Liong felt his arm was held by his teacher and the other time he had to close his eyes because his body had "flown" very quickly leaving Jeng-hoa-san mountain, somewhere! But after feeling used, Sin Liong dared to open his eyes and with admiration he saw that he was narrowed by his temperature that ran like a breeze. He also knew the place where the temperature had run away, which was to the east of the Jeng-hoa-san mountains.
Suddenly he saw something, also his nose smelled something, so he quickly exclaimed, "Temperature, please stop first!"
Han Ti Ong stopped. "What is wrong?"
"Temperature, there ..." Sin Liong's voice trembled.
When Han Ti Ong turned his head, he felt very disgusted. The one appointed by his student was a body of people who had become damaged corpses and their marks showed that the corpses were of course disturbed by wild animals and scattered here and there.
"What do you want ?!" Han Ti Ong snapped.
"Do we have to keep the bodies in the temperature? They are traces of humans like us too. Poor if not taken care of ..."
"Wow, you are indeed itching hands! Now, I want to see what you will do to them?"
Han Ti Ong lowered Sin Liong and he himself then sat on a rock in a place far away. He really wanted to know what his student would do to the corpses that had become so rotten, even from where he sat there was a smell that almost made him vomit.
With a wide step Sin Liong approached the corpses, in no way seemed disgusted or reluctant. Then, followed by the eyes of Han Ti Ong, who was astonished, the boy began digging the ground using only a small knife, a knife that was usually used to cut leaves and roots and which apparently never separated from his shirt pocket. The boy was about to dig a hole to bury twelve rotten corpses just by using a small knife!
It was almost Han Ti Ong laughing so much laughing, also so excited to get the fact that this student was really a magical boy who had a noble and natural person without being made up! With awe he jumped up, ran to Sin Liong who had dug a hole a few centimeters deep.
"Enough, Sin Liong. That hole is more than enough to bury them."
"Ehhh ...? Which is possible, temperature ...?"
"Ha, you still doubt the shrewdness of your temperature? Look carefully!"
Han Ti Ong then took out a bottle from his robe pocket. With the tip of his shoe he gouged the corpses into a pile of rotten stuff, then he poured a yellow liquid from the bottle onto a pile of corpses. It seemed that the steam billowing and the piles of corpses were melting, in an instant the piles of corpses vanished because all, along with their bones, had melted and the liquid had flowed into the hole that had been excavated by Sin Liong. Sure enough, the liquid entered the hole and seeped into the ground, of course the hole was more than enough to hold the liquid.
With wide-eyed admiration, Sin Liong then poked the hole again and knelt before the feet of his temperature, "Temperature, thank you for the help of Suhu. The temperature was truly powerful and benevolent."
"Aahhh ...!" Han Ti Ong's face turned red and he issued the call to cover his shame. How could he be called wise if burying the bodies did not occur at his will, but he was "forced" by his students?
"If I don't look wrong, they are brave warriors. What a sad death and who can kill them. They don't seem to be careless people who are easily killed. Let's go, Sin Liong!"
Again the student was narrowed down and the Prince of Sakti used the knowledge of running fast like that, proceeding eastward down the Jeng-hoa-san mountains. Shortly thereafter, the narrowed Sin Liong (clamped under the arm) exclaimed, "Haiii Suhu, please stop first ...!"
Han Ti Ong became nervous. But he stopped also lowering the boy from the tightness under his armpit. "What else can you do? Watch out, if it's not important, I'll be angry!"
"Look there, Suhu. Isn't it worth it to help the miserable person? Who knows he too died there ..."
Without waiting for an answer to his temperature, Sin Liong had run towards a body lying under a tree not far away. The body did not move, but from where he stood, Han Ti Ong understood that the person had not died, apparently fainted or fell asleep. He smiled and saw his student had dropped to his knees before the person. How shocked when he heard the cry of his student.
"Eihh, Suhu! She's a woman!"
Han Ti Ong was amazed. He then jumped towards his student and saw how suddenly the person he suspected of fainting had jumped up and immediately hit Sin Liong's head with tremendous power.
"Wuttt ... Plakkk! Aughhh ...!"
The dirty-faced woman whose eyes were red and her freckled hair screamed when her punch was blocked by Han Ti Ong's very strong arm. He staggered backwards, looking briefly at Han Ti Ong and Sin Liong, then cried and sobbed and rolled on the ground, crying like a child.
"No ... Aughhh, don't ...! Let me go ... Let go ...! Don't kill them ...!"
Sin Liong was stunned and looked compassionately. Also Han Ti Ong looked deeply moved, knowing that he was dealing with a woman with a slanted brain!
"Toanio (Madame), why are you ...?" Sin Liong asked as he stepped forward.
Suddenly the woman jumped up. Han Ti Ong was ready to protect his students who didn't look afraid at all. But the woman then suddenly chuckled.
Very weird! When the woman laughed, Han Ti Ong saw a very beautiful face! The woman was a very beautiful young girl, but who had somehow gone crazy. The clothes he wore were too big men's clothes. His long black hair was not prepared, his face was dirty with dust and tears, his eyes were red and swollen.
"Hi-hi-hik, I killed you, Pat-jiu Kai-ong. I swear to kill you to avenge the death of my twelve Suheng people!" Then he cried again. "Hu-hu-huuuh ... The cap-sha Sin-hiap from B-Pies has been eradicated ..."
Han Ti Ong was shocked and remembered that he would name Thirteen Warriors who were very well known as thirteen mighty warriors who defend justice and truth, also remembering that they were twelve men and a woman, if not mistaken, youngest brother.
"Miss, are you the youngest person from Cap-sha Sin-hiap from Bu-tong-pie?" he asked as he stepped forward to approach the crazy woman.
"Don't touch me! Damned humans, don't touch me again!"
And suddenly the woman attacked violently. Han Ti Ong deflected and punched. The woman collapsed, collapsing in a weak state unable to move anymore.
"Temperature, why ...?" Sin Liong asked curiously.
"Stupid, if I don't punish, of course he will go on a rampage. Try to check him out, can you treat him?"
Sin Liong knelt down and saw the woman just glared without being able to move. After checking for a while, he took a deep breath. "Temperature, he was hit by a very heavy mental blow, made him become like this, changed his memory. If we were in Jeng-hoa-san, it would be possible to find a calming leaf to treat it."
"Hemm, you see your teacher trying to treat it."
Han Ti Ong took out a golden needle from his pocket. After cleaning the ends, he then approached the woman and thrust the gold needle in three places, on the nape of the right and the crown! Sin Liong looked wide-eyed. He had heard from his father about the ability to treat a needle with a needle, but now he watched. The woman just complained, then fell asleep with a long and calm breathing.
When pulling out the needle and storing it, the teacher said, "Try checking your eyes again, is there a change?"
Sin Liong opened his eyelids and saw that the woman's eyes that had produced strange, wild rays had now returned to normal. He quickly dropped to his knees in front of the sound. "Temperature, like I was blind, didn't know that Suhu was a medical expert too."
"Hemm, in terms of knowing medicinal plants, where can I compete with you? But I have needle piercing intelligence, derivative intelligence that I will certainly teach you."
"Temperature, I propose an application, hope Temperature doesn't mind."
"Hemm, what else?"
"Hope Temperature likes to help this poor woman, and lets her come with us."
"You ... Are you crazy ...?"
"Temperature, he hasn't healed properly. If he is left here, then a bad person comes, what?"
"Ha, you don't need to worry. He is the youngest person from Cap-sha Sin-hiap, his knowledge of intelligence is high. Who dares to bother him?"
"The proof is that the twelve dead people were killed and of course they were the bodies that we had buried. The one who killed was Pat-jiu Kai-ong. Besides, if he remembered the incident before he was healed, surely he would be crazy again. And does the temperature let him like that? "
Han Ti Ong looked at the face of a woman who was none other than the Kwat Lin. He was amazed at why a dirty face and tangled hair brought tremendous compassion to his heart? Why is he interested and eager to help this young woman? Has he been 'infected' by the character of his student, or ... Or ...? He didn't dare to imagine. During this time only his wife was a woman who attracted her, which aroused her passion, but this crazy woman, for some reason had made her interested and sorry for it.
"Never mind, you are indeed fussy, and if I don't obey, of course you will continue to be fussy. Let us bring it together to Ice Island, we'll see how it will progress." This last word is like being directed at his own heart!
"Teecu knows, Suhu is a wise person."
Prince Han Ti Ong's heart became a mangkel. His student's speech was like a ridicule to him because he wanted to help this virgin not at all because he was wise, but because he was sorry and especially ... Interested in his heart. He rudely narrowed the woman's body under his right armpit, and grabbed Sin Liong's body under his left armpit, then this magical Prince ran as fast as he flew towards the ocean shore.
Who is actually a powerful human being who is feared by the seven kang-ouw figures? Who is Prince Han Ti Ong who has a painting of Hong bird and a golden Dragon on the chest of his shirt? He is the prince of Ice Island. This island is a secret island known only to Kangouw people like in a fairy tale.
No one has ever managed to find the island, except for a few fishermen whose boats were attacked by a storm. They are helped by powerful humans, humans who inhabit Ice Island, an island of ice where there is a beautiful palace and a small kingdom full of magicians. After being helped and rescued, and managed to return to the mainland, these fishermen made stories like fairy tales so that the name of the famous Ice Island in the world is kang-ouw.
The kingdom on Ice Island was built by a prince, hundreds of years ago. A very powerful prince, a prince who was considered a rebel because he dared to oppose the emperor's will, and this prince and his family were runaway. With his magic, he managed to escape his family to the east coast and use a boat to find a new place. The aim is to the island in the east where there were many clever people from the mainland who fled and became fugitives because they dared to oppose the government, namely the Japanese Islands!
But he lost his way, his boat was hit by a severe storm and his boat was carried far north until the boat landed on an island. Ice Island! Seeing the island hidden, it was very well used as a hiding place, and there were other islands around it where the land was subur, so the runaway prince decided to make Ice Island his place of residence.
He then gathered people who were loyal to him, took them to Ice Island to become his followers. A small but beautiful palace was built on the island and stood a small kingdom in this isolated place! Thanks to the wisdom of the King of Ice Island, his followers and the royal family live in peace and happiness on Ice Island. The families live in harmony and their followers form families so that the inhabitants of the island breed.
Because of the power of the king, and because of the location of the island that is difficult for outsiders to visit, this little kingdom has never been disturbed. The king bequeaths his intelligence to his descendants, is a great heritage science, and of course their followers also get high science lessons. Prince Han Ti Ong is the fourth descendant of the first king on Ice Island.
This prince is different from the king's descendants who have been. If all the descendants of the king lived on the Ice Island and only left the island if they had needs on the empty islands around the area to take medicinal leaves, vegetables or hunt animals, then Prince Han Ti Ong did not feel at home in that quiet place. He often left the island and secretly traveled abroad!
He was the person who inherited the knowledge of his ancestors the most, so he was the smartest person among the royal families on Ice Island. Especially because with his fondness of wandering on land, he could take many other high martial arts from the land so that his intelligence increased. And because of this Prince's overseas, Ice Island became more famous and the name of Prince Han Ti Ong himself also shocked the world of kang-ouw, even though he rarely introduced himself. Seeing her dress adorned with the image of the Dragon and Hong bird, it was enough for the Kang-Ouw characters to know this magical human from the island of Ice, like the event that happened in the Thousand Flowers Forest when the Prince faced seven world kangouw figures.
The princes who had been, always took the wives of their own royal family, their own brothers. This is to keep the 'blood' of the kingdom 'original'. However, in contrast to all the customs of the princes, Han Ti Ong fell in love with a virgin princess of ordinary Ice Island, insisting on taking the virgin as his wife! In fact, usually, the 'ordinary' bloody maids were only taken as concubines by princes and kings.
However Prince Han Ti Ong did not want to take concubines and only have a wife, that is a fisherman's child who is a follower of the royal family, a virgin, but who actually has beauty that overcomes the beauty of the princesses! From this beloved wife, Prince Han Ti Ong had a daughter who at the time was six years old. A small, beautiful, hard-hearted daughter like her father and happy like her mother. This child was named Han Swat Hong (Snow Wind). This name was taken by Prince Han Ti Ong to name his daughter because when her daughter was born, Ice Island was hit by a very strong wind and snow!
That morning Swat Hong, a six-year-old girl, sat stunned on the shore of Ice Island. He deliberately chose this rather quiet place to look far south, and his heart was full of longing for his father who had gone for three months.
"Hong-ji (Hong Son) ...!"
Swat Hong turned and saw that the one calling was his mother. He then jumped up, ran to his mother, jumped and embraced his mother's neck and cried.
His mother laughed. "Aih-aihhh ... My child who is usually jovial and likes to laugh why cry? Why is the cheerful moon gloomy? What black cloud blocked him? "
"Mother, you ... You're cruel!"
"Yea! Your mother is cruel? Maybe if you're slaughtering a fish or chicken. But your mother isn't cruel to humans."
Indeed, the character of Liu Bwee, the mother of the child, or Prince Han Ti Ong's wife was lively and happy, which also decreased to Swat Hong.
"Mother cruel, why don't you grieve? Don't you miss Father?"
Suddenly the woman's face turned red and without a glance two teardrops jumped down her cheeks.
Seeing this, Swat Hong slid down and clapped his hands, "Hi-hi, I cried! Mother also missed Father? Hayoh, I deny you dare!" Indeed that is the nature of children, seeing other people grieving, he himself forgets his grief and feels comforted!
His mother knelt, hugged and kissed her, but still tears. Swat Hong, who had turned around to tease her mother who she thought was longing for her father as well as she had, was now astonished and worried.
"Mother, why do you grieve? What happened? Is mom secretly longing for Daddy and hiding it?"
Liu Bwee forced herself to smile and wipe her tears. He nodded in response because it was still difficult for him to make a sound without crying. But the daughter is a very smart child, so of course she can't be fooled as easily.
"What are you doing? Please tell me, who is troubling Mother? I will teach her!" Swat Hong clenched his two small fists as if someone who was troubling his mother had been there and would be hit by him.
Seeing his son's attitude, Liu Bwee's heart was deeply moved and wanted him to cry again, but he felt a sense of emotion and he laughed. "Ah, Hong-ji, if there is someone who is insolent to your mother, is your mother unable to beat her alone?"
Swat Hong laughed. "Indeed I know that Mother's cleverness is also great, so even though it's not as great as Daddy. But I'm not satisfied if I don't beat my own hands with someone who is troubling Mother."
"My good son ...!" To suppress the scent, Liu Bwee lifted her daughter's body, hugged her, kissed her then she shouted, "Fly!" and throw the child's body up.
Swat Hong cheered. That is one of their games. He was very happy to be thrown into the air by his mother, especially if his father did it because his father's throw made his body "fly" very high. But now his mother's throw was quite pleasing to his heart, because even though his mother was not as strong as his father, the throw was enough to make his body soar past the treetops!


THE MORNING was unbelievably beautiful in the jungle on the slopes of the Jeng Hoa San mountain (mountain of a thousand flowers). The young sun spewed out its golden yellow light to the surface of the earth, reviving grass almost paralyzed by dew, trees vanishing in the darkness of the night, flowers suffering overnight by the cold cold.

The golden yellow light that carried the warmth, the beauty, and the livelihood drove away the thick, thick, and the junks ran away from the light of the king of life, leaving behind the dewdrops that now decorate the ends of leaves and grass to make the colorful flowers like young virgins after bathing, fresh and radiant.

The soft sunlight was parried by the leaves and branches of the lush forest trees. But the gentleness made the light can also penetrate between the cracks of leaves and twigs so that the small, elongated rays that are clearly visible among the shadows of the trees glide down, here and there to meet with the reflection of water to form a very beautiful rainbow color, a color that formed by all kinds of colors mainly by the basic colors of red, yellow and blue. Beautiful!

For eyes that are free from all bonds, the beauty is increasingly felt. The beauty of the new and which will always look new even if if viewed every day. Before the first red light from the morning sun appeared, the state of the forest on the slope was silent.

The first to awaken the forest was a short, loud cock crow. The sudden and startling stupor, followed by several directions. It was this rooster crow that moved the birds that had been shrouded in the darkness of night, hiding their faces under a thick, warm blanket from their wings. Now there are live movements in every big tree and there are birds chirping in reply, various voices, compete beautiful and crowded but all have a unique kemerduan.

It is difficult for the ears to determine which is more beautiful, because the sounds are the unity of a set of musical instruments that sounded together. The one on the ear is just beautiful! It is hard to say which is more beautiful, the sound of the birds themselves or the empty silence that is between the distance of the voices.

The boy is still very small, will not be more than seven years old. He stood like a statue, standing on a rather high flat spot in the forest of the Thousand Mountains, facing east. There's been a half hour more he stood like that. Only his eyes were moving, wide eyes full of sharpness and tenderness, the usual childhood eyes that were still free and clean, but between his eyes the skin between his eyebrows was slightly disturbed by straight lines.

It's strange to see a child like that already has wrinkles between his eyebrows! The boy's clothes are very simple, so even very clean like the clean of his body, from the hair up to the fingernails of his hands are kept and clean. His face was normal, like other children with handsome faces. Only his eyes and the wrinkles between his eyes are rarely found in children and makes him an easy child to impress his conscience as a strange child and certainly have something extraordinary.

The boy's eyes lit up with life's series as he had seen the big red ball behind the eastern peak. The enormous red ball and the first is a very interesting sight, but gradually it is the object that the eye can no longer see because of the increasingly yellowed and glittering light. So he looked away, now enjoying how much unlimited light had brought everything to life, from the top of the mountains to far away, beneath the foot of the mountain.

The boy then took off his clothes, one semi one with a patient and unhurried movement, without looking to the right and left because he had known that in the morning like that there would be no human beings except himself there.

Striped naked, he walked over to a rock and sat cross-legged in the sun. Sitting upright, his legs crossed and his breath coming out smoothly unregulated, without compulsion as the breathing of a baby is sleeping soundly. For several years he has been doing this every day, sitting in the sun for two or three hours until all his body is bathed in sweat and it is hot before he stops.

Also in the moonlit night, he sat on the rock, naked, showered full moonlight for seven nights, sometimes forgot himself and sat cross-legged until half asleep, and only then he stopped when the body was almost frozen and the moon was already disappear hiding behind the western peak. Amazing boy!

Indeed. Similarly the inhabitants of the surrounding mountains of Jeng Hoa San called Sin Tong (Wonder Boy), so the name of this child is known to people. Son of magic, child magic and others mention again. Because everyone calls him Sin Tong and indeed he himself never wants to state what his name is, then the child has become accustomed to this title and considers his name Sin Tong!

Why are the people of the hamlet, the inhabitants of all the hamlets around the slopes and the foot of the mountains of Jeng Hoa San calling it a prodigy? This is why, because the seven-year-old boy is very good at treating illnesses by giving leaves, fruits, and roots of drugs that really work!

Almost all the affected residents come to the slopes of the Thousand Bunga Forest, the name of the forest where the child lives because among all the forests in the Thousand Bunga Mountains, this forest is truly the right one called the Thousand Flower Forest with colorful plants, full of flowers - beautiful flowers, especially in the spring. And this child will give the leaves or roots of the medicine with open heart, sincerely sincere, voluntary and always refuse if given money! Then a flock of villagers came to him and secretly adored him as a prodigy, as a god who transformed into a child who helped the hamlets from disaster.

Even when infectious diseases, the great fever that caused many victims last year, this magic boy who eradicated him by giving certain roots to drink water after cooking. With that root, the sickness of many helpless and who have not been affected by the disease will not be infected.
When the villagers, especially the women, came with new clothes that had been stitched neatly, the boy could not refuse, and expressed his gratitude with tears of tears on both cheeks. But no words came out of his mouth. Because of the services of the people of this village, the child is always dressed very simple, pieces of 'hamlet'.

Who is it really a magic little boy who became the inhabitant of the Thousand Flower Forest alone? Is it true that he was a god who descended from heaven to become a child to help a human being, such as the beliefs of the inhabitants of the Tibetan mountains that there are many Lama who are regarded as the Buddha himself who 'incarnate' become children and become the candidate of the Lama? Actually, of course, it is not like the superstition that people who are fond of superstition and like the magical-like are superstitious.

The child was once the only child of the Kwa Family in the town of Kun-Leng, a small town east of the Jeng-hoa-san mountains. He is named Kwa Sin Liong, and the name Sin Liong (Naga Sakti) is given to him because when it contains it, his mother dreams of seeing a dragon fly in the sky among the clouds.

There is also Sin Liong's father is a drug dealer who is quite rich in the city of Kun-leng. But the catastrophe afflicts this family when at night three thieves enter their home. At first these three criminals were about to commit theft to this rich family, but when they entered the room, Sin Liong's father and mother caught them. For fear of being known, the three men then killed the father-mother of Sin Liong with stalks of machete.
Sin Liong was only five years old and in that dim spot saw how his mother-mother was bombed with a machete and a shower of blood, killed without a chance to shout. To his horror and fear, Sin Liong seemed to turn into a joke, his eyes bulging and he could not make a sound. Because of this, the three thieves did not see the little boy in the dark room. They are mainly busy collecting valuables and they are also panicked, eager to leave because they have been forced to kill the master and hostess.

After the criminals come out of the room, then Sin Liong can scream, screaming so strongly that the night is torn by the scream of this child. Their neighbors were shocked and all the doors opened, all the men ran out and saw three unknown people coming out of the Kwa's house carrying large bundles.

Immediately shouted, "Thief ... Thief!"

The men locked up these three criminals. Several people ran into the Kwa family's house and it was amazing how shocked they were to see the wives die in a blood bath. While Sin Liong is seen weeping for his parents, hugging them so that his face, hands and clothes are full of his mother's blood.

"Killer! They killed the Kwa family!" people who witnessed the bodies of the two men immediately ran out and yelled.

"Cruel man! Catch them!"

"No, just kill them!"

"Kwa's husband's body crushed them chopped!"

"Kill it!"

"Attack ...!"

And there was a struggle or a one-sided match. The three men were forced to fight for self-defense, but where were they, ordinary thieves, able to withstand the onslaught of tens or even hundreds of angry and bloodthirsty men?

When the outside beating of his house was going on, the boy came out from inside, his face full of blood, his hands and his clothes as well. He stepped out as in a dream, his face very pale and his wide eyes wide with horror.

He stood at his door, his eyes growing wide and staring at what was happening in front of his house. It was obvious to him how the neighbors, like a bunch of savage wolves, attacked and beat the three thieves, the murderers of his mother-father. He heard how the thieves were whining and moaning, begging for forgiveness and also the sound of the tub-bikes when the arms and weapons hit them. The three of them had collapsed, but continued to be beaten, hacked, hit and blood spurted. Finally the body of the three men berkelojotan, and strange sounds coming out of their throats.

But those angry and bloodthirsty people, who think that what they are doing is good and just, keep on striking those three unlucky men until their bodies are crushed and do not look like human bodies anymore, just the piles crushed meat and broken bones! When everyone was satisfied, also began to shudder to see the results of their own actions, then they stop the beating of the three bodies and then enter the family home Kwa. But Sin Liong is not there!

It would be that this boy, who had just been thrilled by his soul, was scratched with wounds to see his father's being murdered and murdered, seeing that the three assassins were beaten and tortured, his soul increasingly squeezed, his injuries more and more and he could not resist. He saw the faces of the people all like the face of the devil, with his fiery eyes full of hatred and revenge, full of lust killing, with his mouth protruding as though his fangs and teeth were pointed, ready to bite the opponent and suck his blood.

He cringed, feeling as though he were among a bunch of demons. So weeping Sin Liong sobbed and left the place, left his home, left the town of Kun-leng, continued to run toward the distant mountains like a fallen man, a powerful divine man, who would protect him from the pursuit of the devil that!

As people lost their memories, last night Sin Liong kept running until the next day. So tired, he stumbled at the foot of the mountains of Jeng-hoa-san, occasionally tripping over his legs and falling down on his stomach, getting up again and running again, staggering and finally, the next morning, he rolled out collapsed inside a forest on the lower slopes of the Jeng-hoa-san mountains.

Upon awakening, this five-year-old continued his journey, and a few days later he arrived in a forest full of flowers by coincidence at the time was spring. Along the way up the mountain, when his stomach is getting hungry, the boy picks fruits and eats the leaves, choosing what tastes fresh and not bitter so he does not get hungry.

In the forest of a thousand flowers Sin Liong was fascinated, feeling like living in another realm, in another world. A quiet and clean place, no one human. If he thinks of a human, he shudders and cries for fear and horror. He has witnessed enormous atrocities. Not only the cruelty of the men who took the life of his mother-mother, who forced his mother's parents to part from him and died leaving him, but also saw the cruelty of dozens of neighbors who tortured the three men to death and destroyed his body, He shuddered and frightened when reminded of that matter.

It was in the Thousand Flower Forest that he felt the comfort, the cleanliness, and the soothing silence. At first Sin Liong had no intention of returning to his city because he still cringed, did not want to see his bloody father, did not want to see the bodies of three broken thieves destroyed.

When he arrived at Jeng-hoa-san's forest and saw how his body and clothes were stained with blood that smelled so bad, he quickly bathed and washed clothes in the tributaries of the forest, a tributary whose water came out of the water, clear and very cool. At first he did not want to go home because of the horror of his heart, but after two or three months of 'hiding' in that place, his love for the Thousand Flower Forest arose and he now did not want to go home at all because he had regarded the forest as his home new!
Near the big peak tree, there is a rock hill and there is a big enough cave to be a place to live, made a shelter from rain and wind. This cave is cleansed and becomes a very pleasant place. Thus, this child did not know at all that the wealth of his parents who had no other relatives and relatives, had been taken over by the neighbors until they were completely destroyed!

By reason of 'securing' the valuables of the empty house, the neighbors have enriched themselves. These people still do not know, or do not understand that they have repeated the actions of the three thieves they mughed and killed together. They also commit theft, not even the 'dirty' way the thieves do.

If judged, the theft made by the neighbors and 'friends' is much dirtier and lower than that of the three thieves. The thieves commit deliberately and thoroughly burglary as thieves, not shrouded, and their crimes are open, as those who take other people's goods when the Owner is off guard or asleep.

However, what the neighbors do is a covert theft, under the guise of 'helping', so that if it is made a measure, their crimes are multiple. First, evil like the Thief is common for picking and cursing the property of others. Second, evil for being hypocritical, committing evil with the veil of 'goodness'.

Thus until two years old this five-year-old child lives alone in the Thousand Flower Forest. As the son of a physician, even when he was only five years old, a little more Sin Liong knows the leaves and roots of the drug, often even follow his father looking for medicinal leaves in the mountains.

After now he lives alone in the forest, his talent for medical science gets natural examinations and fertilization. She has to eat every day. For this purpose, he has been good at choosing from experience, where the leaves are nutritious and which are tasty, whichever is poisonous and so on.

During those two years, wearing tattered clothing, he was often ill and from this experience he could choose the leaves and roots of medicine, not from knowledge, but from experience. Perhaps because there is nothing else that makes the material of thought, then this child can devote all his attention to the introduction of leaves and roots and fruit and flowers that contain this medicine so that the smell is very sharp against the efficacy of leaves and roots of the drug.

By kissing it alone he can determine what properties are contained in a leaf, flower, fruit or root! It is not wrong to say that experience is the smartest teacher. Of course, the words are only proved true if someone has a sense of love for what he did. And indeed in the heart of Sin Liong, he has a loving affection, and likes this craft to learn the efficacy of flowers and leaves of an enormous variety and grow in the Forest of the Thousand Flowers.

In addition to studying the properties of herbs, not just for daily food but also for treatment, Sin Liong has another fondness that arises from his love for nature, the full and most likely love that arises because he feels a whole life and also arises from seeing the cruelty that scratches on his heart for human actions when his mother's father and the three thieves are killed.

In that place he sees pure peace, beautiful reason, and never sees falsehood, sees no cruelty. This love of nature makes him very sensitive to the circumstances around him, making his feelings so sharp that he can feel how warm and delicious the morning sun, how gentle and cool the fresh moonlight is so that no one tells and tells almost every morning he is naked showering the morning sun light and every full moon she is naked full moonlight bath.

Unwittingly, his body has received and absorbed the core of the miraculous power of the moon and sun, which keeps his blood clean, his strong bones and deep energy in his body increasingly collected outside his consciousness. After the sweat dripped all over his body and several times turned his body that sat cross-legged on a rock, Sin Liong came down from the rock, wiping the sweat with a wide handkerchief. After his body was not sweating anymore, after being caressed by the early morning wind, he put on his clothes and went out the flowers, leaves, fruit and roots of the medicine from the cave to dry in the sun. This is what became his daily work, in addition to grafting, reproducing and planting nutritious crops.

Towards noon, begin to arrive inhabitants in need of medicine. Among them there were also some rough kang-ouw and suffered poisonous wounds in battle. For all of them, indiscriminately, Sin Liong gave his medicine after examining the injuries and diseases they suffered. More than fifteen people came in consecutive medication and the last one was a large, tall, middle-aged man, on his back hanging from a machete and he came limping because his thighs were badly hurt, the wounds were swollen and blackened.

"Sin-tong, you help me ..." As soon as it arrived in front of the cave where Sin Liong sat and cut up the wet roots with a small knife, the big black-faced man dropped and moaned in pain.

Sin Liong frowned. Among the people who ask for treatment, he most dislikes to see kang-ouw people who can be known from the rude attitude and weapons they always carry. But never before has he refused to treat them, even he secretly judged them as wolf-blooded, bloodthirsty men, always hostile to each other and wounded each other, so that they were pitiful human beings for not knowing what is meant peace, peace, and love between humans that bring peace and happiness.

"A dashing old man, did not you two months ago come and ask for medicine because of a wound in your poisoned left arm?" he asked, staring at the black face.

Sin-tong I was Sin-hek-houw (Black Tiger Sakti) who had been hit by a poisoned needle weapon in my arm but now I am suffering more severe injuries, my thigh is in the sword of the opponent and the wretched sword contains If you do not help me soon, I'll die, Sin-tong."

Sin Liong said nothing more. He approached the man on the ground, examining the wounding behind the trouser pants. The wound was wide and deep, a wound covered by blood that was blackened and swollen, even when it was held all over it was hot, a sign of great poisoning!

Sin Liong took a deep breath. "Lo-eng-hiong, why are you still fighting with other people, wounding each other and killing each other?" Did not you once promised that you would never play another person again? "

The wide eyes glared and his eyes softened. There was no way he could be angry with this prodigy. A seven-year-old child can talk to him like that, as if he were a grandfather who became a hermit and lives holy!

"Sin-tong, I am Sin-hek-houw, and do not you call the Lo-eng-hiong (the Growing Parent) to me.I am a robber, do you understand? A single robber who relies on life from robbing people through! No need of goods, I certainly will not disturb people, and if the person I love his goods does not fight, I certainly will not attack him, but twice I mistakenly judge people .... "

"In the past, I attacked a granny who looked weak, and as a result my arm was badly injured. Now, I rob a visibly weak-looking grandfather who brings valuables, and as a result my thighs are almost stumped and are now poisoned. You help me, I'll thank you, Sin-tong. And I'm coming this time will also tell you something very important to you. "

"Lo-eng-hiong, I do not need gratitude and recompense.I know the benefits of vegetation here, it grows here just like that, lets anyone who understands to pick and use it, without buying, without taking and without using violence I just plucked and handed it to you, why should I ask for your gratitude and reply? This is a great lie All your legs are hot, your blood has been poisoned To remove the poison that still hides around the wound, it should be opened in order to be cured, not as it is now, covered by dried-up poisoned blood.can you open your wound, Lo-enghiong? "

The elderly man widened his eyes and again he was amazed at the way the boy spoke. But his astonishment vanished when he remembered that this boy was Sin-tiong, the prodigy! So he drew his machete.

When she saw the blazing light, Sin Liong closed her eyes. Think again three sticks of machetes that membacoki body of his father-mother, and many machete which then membacoki body of three thieves.

Sin-hek-houw uses the tip of his machete to stab and reopen the wound on his thigh. He complained loudly, but the wound was already open and black blood poured out. With painful torment, Sin-hek-houw throws his machete and uses both hands to massage the sore thighs.

Sin Liong kneeled, using his fine finger to help massage so that more and more blood came out. Black blood and the smell makes people vomit! But Sin Liong, who did so with compassion in the heart, with a deep and unintelligible compassion and a deliberate discomfort, accepted the smell with deeper emotion.

"How miserable and suffering this man is," just so his heart whispered. He then picks up a certain root pulp, sowing the powder into a buffing wound.

"Uhhhhh ... Dead me ...!" The grandfather cried out loudly as to how the medicine had caused pain like dozens of bees had stung the wounded part.

"Please keep it, Lo-enghiong will soon lose his pain, do not fight the pain, face it as a reality and know that the powder is a medicine that will ward off the disease."

As he said so, Sin Liong then used four leaves that had been squeezed so that the leaves became wet and withered, then closed the wound with four leaves. Sure enough, the groan of the man is slowly signaling that his pain is diminishing and the person finally takes a deep breath because his pain can now be retained.

"Please Lo-enghiong brings the roots, boil and drink the water, the efficacy of cleansing the toxins that are still at your feet, so that the wounds will rot and will recover quickly.these powders and leaves to change the drug every day, it would be enough for a week until the wound healed completely. " Sin Liong said as he wrapped the medicine with a large leaf and handed it to Sin-hek-houw.

The rough man took the parcel and took a deep breath. "If only I could have a friend like you who was always by my side If I could have a child like you, I would not get lost so far Thank you, Sin-tong And I can not reply anything except warning you that you are in great danger."

Sin Liong looked up at the black face in surprise.

"Sin-tong, the world of kang-ouw has been fussing with your name, me and the kang-ouw people who have received your treatment, carry your name in kang-ouw world and there is a commotion because the name Sin-tong becomes everybody's kang-ouw lips Many big parties are interested in their hearts, assuming you are an incarnation of a god or a many parties and gallant people are ready to come here to persuade you to become a member or to be a disciple of famous kang-ouw people, among them are two other men of evil intent, not good intentions like martyrs and parties, but a vile intent on you. "

Sin Liong frowned. She is not afraid at all because she does not have any bad intentions to anyone in this world. "Lo-eng-hiong, I'm just a child who knows nothing, has no hostility with anyone, who's the one who's going to bother me?"

The old man looked touched. "Ahh ... You are a strange and clean person If I have intelligence, I will protect you with my whole body and my life, not only because of the two times you have helped me but because I do not want to see anyone wanting to destroy a magic boy like you, but the two devils ... "Sin-hek-houw shivered and looked terrified.

"Who are they and what do they want from me?"

"In the world of kang-ouw there are many false groups, demons, including people like me, but compared to the two men I mean, they are two wild tigers while people like me are just a mouse! One is a grandfather dressed in a beggar He looks like a pauper poor, but he is the number one demon, the chairman of Pat-Jiu Kai-pang, a man who owns a house like a palace and his usual and pious face conceals his cruel character more than the devil himself! This grandfather is Sin-tong. "

"Hemmm, I do not think a grandfather like him needs a kid like me, I'm not worried he's going to bother me, Lo-eng-hiong!"

"It's not strange if you think so, because you're a pure, innocent and pure-hearted boy, but I'm so worried, what's the second devil that is no less cruel.he is a beautiful woman and nobody knows how old she is. , his hair is fragrant and always carrying an umbrella, seems weak and in need of protection, but, like the first demon, all his beauty and gentleness conceal his true character, a more vicious and cruel character than the devil himself. "

"Lo-enghiong, hope Lo-enghiong does not worsen others like that, I can not believe it."

The old man took a deep breath and stood up. "I warned you, Sin-tong, and if you want, let me come with me to hide in a safe place so that nobody will know.after the circumstance is safe then you return here.I heard the wind that the two devils is heading to Jeng-hoa-san looking for you. "

But Sin Liong shook his head. "I'm needed by the villagers here, I'm not going anywhere, Lo-enghiong."

"Hemmm, please, I've tried to warn you, I hope it just does not happen the way I'm worried, and moreover hopefully I will not get hurt again like this, so if you really are not in here, I suck for drugs, good-bye, Sin-tong, and thanks again. "

"Good-bye, Lo-enghiong, please be well soon."
The man walked dragging his injured leg. Just a dozen steps he turned back and said, "Really you do not want to come with me to hide, Sin-tong?"
Sin Liong smiled and shook his head without answering.
"Sin-tong, what is your real name?"

"I'm called Sin-tong and even if I feel like an ordinary child, I can not bear to say that, you know me as Sin-tong, that's my name."

Sin-hek-houw shakes his head, then continues his journey and still shakes his head, his mouth grumbles, "The prodigy son ... The prodigy son, dear ..." and he clenched his fists, as if to attack anyone who would disturb the boy he admired.

A few days later since Sin-hek-houw came to ask Sin Liong for medicine, more and more people came whispering to the boy about the rush in the world kang-ouw because of him. The strange news that Sin Liong heard about threats and other things about him, but he did not take care and remain calm and work as usual, never restless, never even thinking about the news he heard that.

A few weeks later, the morning from the eastern foothills of the mountains of Jeng-hoa-san seemed to run a grandfather by himself. He turned to the right and left as if enjoying the natural scenery around the place. This grandfather must have been sixty years old, his skinny little body, his clothes full of patches. His face imagined his patience, and the toothless mouth always even smiled a friendly smile.

He stepped slowly into the first forest at the foot of the mountains of Jeng-hoa-san. His move was aided by a swirly stick of black stick, apparently made of some sort of very old wood that looked like iron. It seems that he is an old beggar whose life is deprived, but who can adapt so as not to feel inadequate, even seem happy, accept life as it is and his heart is always happy.

The proof when he heard the birds chirping, this grandfather opened his mouth and sang too! But the words in his singing will surely make everyone who listens to his forehead to frown, because in addition to strange, also deviates from the teachings of kebatinan generally!
What does it mean to live if the heart is not happy?
 What does it mean to live when all desires are not fulfilled? 
Decades of studying science, provision of fulfilling all wills 
Swimming in a sea of fun, die not curious!
 Many times these beggars sing with the same words. Her voice was smooth and melodious enough, and while singing she arranged the rhythm of the song with the beat of her wand on soft ground or if by chance about the hard rock, the end of the wand must have made a hole. His own shodgy feet did not leave a trace as if he had not stepped on the ground, but the stick made a clear kisi-kisi because every time it hit the ground and rock. There is also the foot itself, let me step on the ground wet, did not leave a trace.

A few minutes later after this strange grandfather passed by, there was a flashing shadow of people, also coming from the east through the foothills. They consisted of thirteen men from the age of thirty to forty, and a twenty-five-year-old woman, sweet-faced and well-built with a slender waist.

The thirteen men all looked brave. Their clothing clearly indicates that they are martial arts experts, while their light-handed movements prove that they are not indiscriminate kang-ouw, but a class of gallant men who are knowledgeable. This is not wrong, because they are well known by the nickname Cap-sha Sin-hiap (Thirteen Swordsmen Sakti), the main students of the big party Bu-tong-pie!

"Hold on, suheng!" suddenly the beautiful woman lifted her hand up and warned her suheng, then she pointed down and said, "Look at this ....!"

These thirteen people noticed the puncture marks of the beggars, which were of regular distance and even upon the stone, still looked like hollow rocks.

"Who else would it be?" said the girl with a furrowed eyebrow.

"A great stout force" said one.

"And the footprints are not visible, no doubt, Pat-jiu Kai-ong (the King of the Armies of Eight), must have passed here, and just then, Hayo hurry up after him! Said the eldest of them, a forty-year-old who was poked like a tiger.

Now convinced that the trail of the holes would have been made by Pat-jiu Kai-ong's wand, thirteen Bu-tong-pai figures had their weapons removed. It appeared that the sharpening of the sharp weapon slid forward as the thirteen men mustered their ginkang and used the science of sprinting to pursue forward, toward the potholed kisi-kisi. Soon they heard the singing of the beggar's grandfather.

These thirteen men slowed down and the only woman among them muttered softly: "Hemm, the base of the devil's man, all his life in pursuit of pleasure and for pleasure he does not hesitate to do cruel things that are cruel to the devil himself!"

"Sssssttt, Sumoi, to the likes of him we must be careful.before, Bu-tong-pai has never been hostile to any kang-ouw figures, nor interferes in their affairs, so let us ask him well - well and if it had not been better we'd have avoided the fighting. " said their oldest twa-suheng (elder sibling).

All the sute nodded, but the sumoi grumbled, "Who is afraid of him?" He struck his sword.

Indeed the lady named The Kwat Lin is famous for being hard and brave. His sword skills are great, so it is not surprising that he counts among the famous Cap-sha Sin-hiap in the world of kang-ouw.

"Sumoi, we must obey Suhu's order not to bring Bu-tong-pai to plant the seeds of enmity with other classes, both clean and false, so in this meeting leave it to me to represent all of you!"

Understandably that he should not disobey his master's orders and that this twa-suheng other than the most shrewd is also a representative of their Temperatures, Kwat Lin nodded even though his red lips remained unsatisfied. He was not satisfied to see the attitude of jeri shown by his suheng. Cap-sha Sin-hiap has a big name in the world of kang-ouw, respected by the dreaded foe of the opponent, the present face to face with a heretical figure just looks daunted?

The singing sounded louder, a sign that the distance between them and the grandfather was getting closer. With the almost perfect lightening of the body, thirteen Bu-tong-pai warriors were able to catch up and flutter their bodies, from the right and the left, and suddenly they stood facing in front of the beggar's grandfather with a cool and gallant attitude.

The beggar's grandfather was still singing as he stood looking, and when his eyes met Kwat Lin's face, he did not conceal his admiration. After the singing stopped, then he smiled and said, "Uh-er, are you a bunch of acrobats who want to sell intelligence? I beggar do not have the money to pay your wages!"

"Please Locianpwe does not pretend anymore, we know that Locianpwe is the honorable Pat-jiu-kai-pangcu (Chairman of the Eight Arm Association) Locianpwe is a famous figure nicknamed Pat-jiu Kai-ong, is not it?"

The grandfather who looked patient and kind-hearted smiled, his smile was also sympathetic and friendly. The thirteen Bu-tong-pai warriors who only knew the name of this false heretical grandfather, secretly wondered even if it was true that they were dealing with Pat-jiu Kai-ong, who was reportedly cruel like a demon, because this grandfather looked fine he said and was so friendly!

"Ha-ha-ha! It's so hard these days to hide and hide, young people are now very keen in their smell and sight, even though they have never met anyone, young men who are handsome and beautiful," he looked at Kwat Lin again in awe. "No mistake you guys I am Pat-jiu Kai-ong, an old beggar who only has this battered stick. Do not know who you are and what do you want to do with my journey? "

"We are Cap-sha Sin-hiap from Bu-tong-pai!" said Kwat Lin, and because it is already so it is useless twa-suheng prevent it with eye view.

"True, we are the students of Bu-tong-pai, Locianpwe," said the twa-suheng with an uncomfortable heart. The sassy Sumoi had apparently opened the card and confessed that they were from Bu-tongpai, taking the name of their association.

"Ha-ha-ha, it's good, but Bu-tong-pai has many bright, brave and beautiful pupils for as long as I hear, but if I'm not mistaken, I've never dealt with Bu-tong-pai."

Seeing the grandfather's attitude is still friendly and his words are also subtle and not bellicose, the twa-suheng becomes even more uncomfortable. But he knows what kind of person this grandfather in front of this. They came here for the sake of Sin-tong they heard was a wonderful prodigy and has helped people with the right knowledge of the medicinal plant-containing properties. So still he was worried about Sin-tong's paling aman if this heretical crooked grandfather met the boy.

"What Locianpwe says is true.among Locianpwe with Bu-tong-pai, there's never any business, and this time, we young people from Bu-tong-pai also have no intention of harassing the honorable Locianpwe, only we hear the news that among the many kang-ouw figures, Locianpwe is also interested in the well-to-do little boy Sin-tong and who dwells in the Thousand Flower this true, and is Locianpwe now heading into the forest? "

Starting to change the face of the grandfather hearing this speech. His smile was still there, but his bright-eyed eyes lost the light of his joy, and it changed with a lightning flash that surprised them all. "Hemmm, snooty young people, if I really want to go visit Sin-tong, what do you want?"

Thirteen of Bu-tong-pai's students had been able to 'kiss' the circumstances that made them all ready for alert. They see that this seemingly innocent and friendly grandfather begins to show his 'horns' or real character.

"Locianpwe, if that's so, we just ask Locianpwe not to disturb Sin-tong."

"Is that the boy?"

"It's nothing, Locianpwe, but hearing about how that prodigy has helped many people indiscriminately, it has become the duty of all the gallant people in the kang-ouw world to keep it safe."

There was a great change in the grandfather. Now his smile disappeared and his mouth was smirking, his eyes flashing and his voice stiffening, snotty and low. "Crazy children! Is old Si Kien Bhang Sianjin sent you?"

"Our teacher did not know about this.we happened to be in this area and heard of Sin-tong being in danger, so we saw Locianpwe then deliberately wanted to ask.of course if Locianpwe did not want Sin-tong, brash and we apologize as much. "

"I'm headed for the Thousand Flower Forest, why do you think I'm going to harm Sin-tong?"

Thirteen Bu-tong-pai's swordsman became more tense. This grandfather has begun to be frank, so it would not hurt if they are alert and frank too.

"Who has not heard that Pat-jiu Kai-ong is perfecting the science of the devil called Hiat-chiang-hoat-sut (Dark Hand of Blood)?" suddenly Kwat Lin yelled as she pointed her left forefinger at the old man's face.

The suheng are surprised, but the words have been issued and indeed in their hearts are contained this accusation. The science of Hiat-chit-hoat-sut is a kind of black magic that can only be learned by the heretics because it requires a very vile condition, which is to gather black power by sucking and drinking blood, brain and marrow of children who are still clean of their blood! Of course for a person who is perfecting this demonic science, Sin-tong has tremendous appeal, because the blood, brain and marrow of a boy like the magical Sin-tong, are more valuable than blood, brain and marrow of dozens of other ordinary boys!

Suddenly the grandfather laughed wide. "Ha-ha-ha, it's true! And the only boy who will perfect the science is Sin-tong! And I'm not just drinking and sucking blood, brains and a clean kid's marrow, and I'm not not fond of having fun with a beautiful virgin like you, miss! "

"Sringgg! Sringgg ...!" There were shimmering rays as the thirteen-sworded sword moved in unison and the thirteen of the warriors had locked up the still-laughing Grandpa.

"Heh-heh, you guys try to play with Pat-jiu Kai-ong? Unfortunately you guys are still young to die, except for this sweet lady, if old Si Kui Bhok Sianjin is here once, it would be doomed to stand up against Pat-jiu Kai-ong! "

"Attack and destroy this demon!" The twa-suheng shouted and they had been thrashing forward with various rapid and powerful movements.

Suddenly the grandfather made a terrific yell, a scream followed by a frightening laugh. The sound of laughter echoed throughout the forest, so there was a laugh replying from all quarters, as if all the demons and demon of the jungle guard had come by the grandfather's call.

Remarkably, the shouting and laughing voice made the thirteen warriors instantly turn into statues. Their movement suddenly stalled and for a few seconds they just stared at the grandfather with his heart as if it stopped throbbing.

Twa-suheng the handsome faces immediately cried, "Watch out, Sai-cu-ho-kang (the science of raising like a lion based on khikang)!"

This call awakens his sute and sumoi. They quickly mobilized the sinking so that Sai-cu-ho-kang's influence was cleansed, and their swords continued their movement.

"Sing-sing ... Siuuut ... Trang-trang-trang ...!"

The scroll of the sword-sword swooped toward the grandfather's body from various majors, but could be deflected by a scroll of black ray rod that had been rotated quickly by Pat-jiu kai-ong. Bu-tong-pai's swordsman was shocked to feel how their palms became hot and painful each time their swords were wielded by a stick. This indicates that the grandfather is really very shrewd and has a very powerful power of magic. Also his sticky, black stick appeared to be made of metal of choice so as to resist the sharpness of the sword in their hands, whereas all the swords in the hands of Cap-sha Sin-hiap were powerful swords.

"Ha-ha-ha, is this Ngo-heng-kiam (Five-Element Sword Sword) from the famous Bu-tong-pai? Haha, no how!" Moving his wand fending off every ray of sword that came sliding, the grandfather laughed and scoffed.

"Shape Sin-kiam-tin (Sword Line of Sakti)!" shouted the twa-suheng to see how grandfather was so tough that all their sword attacks could be easily deflected.

Suddenly the thirteen of the warriors changed their movements. Now they no longer attack from a certain position, but they move around and surround the grandfather. As they move around they arrange a subsequent chain-attack and come from an unspecified direction.

Secretly grandfather was surprised, for a moment he became confused. If they had attacked him from a certain position, even if their movements had been based on Ngo-heng-kiam, he could already recognize Ngo-heng-kiam's base and could move the wand automatically to fend off all the swords that came grabbing. But it is now very difficult to determine where the attack will come from, and the movement surrounding it really does bring dizziness.

Angry Pat-jiu Kai-ong. He had wanted to learn Bu-tong-pai's swordsmanship and watched his raiders before killing them. But after they use Sin-kin-tin he knows that if he does not get ahead of them soon, then he himself can be in danger. He does not think that old Si Kien Bhang Sianjin, the head of Bu-tong-pai can create such a stunning sword line.

Suddenly there was a change in this grandfather. Her left hand turned red, blood red!

"Watch out for the Hoat-sut Hiats!" the twa-suheng shouted loudly when he saw the change of color of his grandfather's left hand.

Pat-jiu Kai-ong suddenly pulls out a terrifying screech, more awesome than before. His body suddenly flipped, his wand snatched along the red left hand that pushed forward.

"Prak-prak...! Desss!"

Three guerrillas screamed and collapsed, two with heads smashed by sticks, while another was hit by Hati-ciang Hoat-sut's long-range blow, collapsed and killed instantly with his chest showing a fingerprint of five red fingers, even his shirt was torn and scorched. That's the Hoat-sut Hiat, a terrible death blow. Though the science is still not perfect, you can imagine how great if this grandfather managed to suck blood, brain and marrow of a prodigy like Sin-tong!

Ten of the remaining Bu-tong-pai warriors were shocked and angry. They continue the attack with passion and full of vengeance. But again Pat-jiu Kai-ong shrieked violently as he attacked, and again three opponents collapsed and died. This attack was repeated continuously, not allowing the attackers to break free. Four times he sounded such a terrific shriek and as a result, twelve men from Cap-sha Sin-hiap of Bu-tong-pai were all dead, killed in a still-locked state and living the Kwat Lin!

This was deliberate by Pat-jiu Kai-ong, and now smiling mockingly at her face Kwat Lin. Can you imagine how the virgin's feelings to see his twelve suheng people have been killed all! The twelve of his suheng, who had been struggling with him all along, had now become corpses lying all around him, as if the corpse of the twelve men had locked him and Pat-jiu Kai-ong, who stood smiling in front of him.

"Devil rotten, I'll fight your life with you!" Kwat Lin exclaimed with a sob. "Haiiiit .....!" his body drifted forward, his sword poked into the opponent's chest with an overwhelming hatred.

But with his ardent movements, the grandfather struck his wand from the side of the sword that pierced him.

"Krekkk!" the sword was broken and the handle was detached from Kwat Lin's handle!

The girl widened her eyes and saw his grandfather's eyes. Seeing the horrible smile for him, he suddenly turned around and drifted toward a big tree. Kwat Lin intends to bang her head to break it on the tree trunk! This girl saw the threat of danger even more horrible than death itself, then after being convinced that he would not be able to defeat his opponent, he made a desperate decision to kill himself by banging his head on a tree trunk.

"Bukkk!" not the trunk of a tree against his head, but a soft stomach and his body in the arms of Pat-jiu Kai-ong who had been there for some time in front of the tree!

"Let me go!" Kwat Lin shouted, and suddenly his body thrown by the grandfather to fall back into the circle of his suheng corpses.
With a staggering step, the grandfather smiled into the circle and stepped over the corpse of his former raiders, approaching Kwat Lin, who had risen to sit with a pale face and wide-eyed eyes.

Kwat Lin has been cornered like a young rabbit terrified of a tiger ready to pounce on him. Terrific horror made Kwat Lin quickly move his right hand, with two fingers he stabbed at the crown of his own head while exerting a sink. A rock would have a hole punching his fingers like that, what else is the crown of his head.


"Aihhh ...!" Kwat Lin screamed as her hand was paralyzed and half paralyzed. Apparently the grandfather had stood in front of him and had prevented him from killing himself!

"Brettt ... Brettt ...!" the grandfather's wand moved several times, and as if by magic all the clothes wrapped around Kwat Lin's body were shredded and scattered, making him completely naked!

Kwat Lin screamed, but suddenly like a cat pouncing on a mouse, making a frightening laugh, the grandfather had knocked and hugged him so they both rolled over the blood-stained grass of the victims of the grandfather's ferocity! Kwat Lin fought back with all her might, but in vain. To kill himself there is no way for him, to fight against it, even all the crying cry and pleas, and all his efforts thrashing no use at all.

All of these efforts even pleased the grandfather. It's as if a happy cat can fool an angry and helpless mouse, toying with it and to see it tortured and struggling before it becomes its prey! For three days and three nights Kwat Lin suffered tremendous torments. She was raped, humiliated, and ridiculed.

Early in the morning of the third day, Kwat Lin was more dead than alive, half-conscious, lying supine unable to move, only his eyes glared at the grandfather. Kwat Lin sees the grandfather in a suit, grabs his wand and laughs at him who is still lying on his back naked on the bloody grass.

"Ha-ha-ha! Now I'm going, sweet, I'm satisfied, and if you want to kill yourself, please Ha-ha-ha!"

Even Kwat Lin was in a state of severe suffering, exhaustion, almost dying of fatigue, disgust, disgust, embarrassment, anger and resentment mixed together in her mind, yet the overwhelming hatred still gave her the energy to exclaim, "Hell, now I must live, I must live to see you dead in my hands! "

"Ha-ha-ha, sweetheart, if at any time you feel homesick, just come to Hong-san, see you soon!" The grandfather then walked away leaving the place, leaving Kwat-Lin still falling.

Now this unfortunate woman cries sobbing among her twelve suheng corpses that have begun to rot and smell! Can you imagine how tormented the body of this young woman. He was forced, raped, insulted among his twelve suheng corpses. Even as the circumstances of the corpses began to decay and air out an almost unbearable odor, the grandfather was still good at making fun of him. Truly a cruel man beyond the devil himself.

Suddenly Kwat Lin stood up in unison, as if a new energy had entered his body with pain, tired and starving because for three days and three nights he was mocked without being fed or drunk by the evil grandfather. He stood tall, stark naked, then looked at all his suheng corpses. His eyes went wild, a hoarse voice out of his mouth cracked his lips by the bites of the evil grandfather.

"Suheng, listen to me, I am The Kwat Lin, vowing to avenge all suheng's death My only goal now is to take revenge and kill the evil demon Pat-jiu Kai-ong!"

Suddenly she stumbled backwards into her twa-suheng face. This man is actually who has always stolen his heart.

"Twa-suheng ...!" He crashed and knelt beside the rotting body. "Do not grieve, Twa-suheng .... Do not cry ...." He stood sobbing. "What ... I'm naked ...? Your clothes ...?"

Like a madman talking to a corpse, Kwat Lin asked, then he removed the shirt and panties from the stiff corpse with a bit of a strain, then put on his own body. Of course a bit of greatness.

"Hi-hi-hik, your clothes are great, Suheng ...." He looked at the face of his tuh-suheng's corpse and laughed again. "Hi-hik Well, that's it, laugh Twa-suheng, laugh all suheng ... Laugh and cheer up because your grudge will surely make me! Hi-hi-hik ... Hu-hu-huuuhhh ..."

She cried again sobbing and with a staggering she left the terrible place after taking her twa-suheng sword. It was the best sword of the sword of thirteen Bu-tong-pai's swordsman, a sword granted by the leader of Bu-tong pie himself. The sword near the handle is a picture of a red bwee, the sword is named Ang-bwee-kiam (Red Bwee Flower Sword). He wobbled away, going off indefinitely, as long as he moved his legs just stepping. His steps are small and staggered because his body still feels tired, hungry and hurt all.

Sometimes he sounds sobbing crying, then chuckling amused. If anyone encounters a woman whose lips are chapped, her face is full of dust and tears, her eyes are swollen and red, her hair is preparing and her clothes too big, surely that person will feel scary, thinking that at least she is a crazy woman . This assumption does not slip too far. The inner-hearted suffering that swept over Kwat Lin made this unfortunate woman unable to resist so that there was a change in her memory.

On the same day that Cap-sha Sin-hiap collapsed in the hands of the evil grandfather Pat-jiu Kai-ong at the foot of the Jeng-hoa-san mountain, great events took place in other parts of the mountains. If Cap-sha Sin-hiap collapses in the eastern region of the mountains, then in the west there are also events that are almost the same is different in nature.

That morning, a woman walks herself up the first slope of the western Jeng-hoa-san mountains. The woman entered the forest with a radiant face. It must be admitted that the face of this beautiful lady is very sweet, has a strong appeal that she is already forty years old. No wrinkles interfere with the fine white skin. His rather wide mouth has a lips that are always challenging and as if a ripe fruit is already broken.

But when one looks at the eyes, the eyes are clear and shining, the heart that is admiring of its beauty will surely turn into doubtful, suspicious and horrified because the eyes never, or rarely blink. The eyes are open like the eyes of a doll!

With stumbling steps and weakness, making his hip protruding and swaying to the right, the woman walked alone, twirling an umbrella with her shoulder. A closed black umbrella, the handle is curved and the tip is tapered. Her clothes were all luxurious and beautiful, her hair was long, curled upward like a beautiful black tower, embroidered with pearls of gold and pearl.

What is interesting is the fingernails of his fingers. Long nails are preserved, colored red, long tapered and slightly curved like a cat or tiger nails. Her fancy clothes were made too fit with her body so tightly wrapped around the body, imagining the curvy curve of the chest to the legs because the pink silk pants were so tight!

Even if it looks like a beautiful and flirty woman (aunt), but actually she is not human! He is the most famous in the black world of criminals, because this woman is none other than Kiam-mo Cai-li (Clever Woman Swimmer), a nickname that makes the hairy nape of people who already know him stood up because of a frightened woman just actually named Liok This man has a terrific science of horror and cruelty that is difficult to find his appeal!

In fact he was likened to a beautiful woman of rage stealth manifestations that usually interfere with men. Every man who is trapped in his arms will certainly die of blood, siphoned off by this stealth! Of course for those who have never met him, would not at all think that the woman who waddle with an umbrella on the shoulder is a female demon who raids the world kang-ouw with his extraordinary deeds.

It is easy to guess why on that day Kiam-mo Cai-li is climbing the slope of Jeng-hoa-san! Of course he also heard the news stir the world kang-ouw will be Sin-tong, The Boy prodigy. Hearing this story, his heart's heart was pounding violently and full of lust!

He can imagine how the miraculous power he collects in black magic by sucking the juice of hundreds of men, will increase tremendously if he can suck the boy's magic! So upon hearing of the miraculous boy at the top of the Jeng-hoa-san mountain range in the Thousand Flower Forest, he immediately traveled long distances to visit the mountains.

The journey is far away because let it often Liok Si is going to wander but he has a small cottage like a luxurious palace located in an unusual place visited by humans, namely in Rawa Bangkai area. These wild swamps are found at the foot of the Luliang-san mountain range, a deadly area because of the mud and sand that rotates, to a deadly trap for humans and animals. But in the midst of the swamps that no other human can visit, there is a flat, hard ground like an island. On top of this island is Liok Si's small palace, nicknamed Kiam-mo Cai-li, where he lives with dozens of servants who have become his trusted people.

He is called Cai-li (Clever Woman) because actually this woman used to be the daughter of a famous sasterawan. Since childhood Liok Si has studied literature so that he is very adept at literature, even he never disguised as a man to take a government exam so he graduated and got the title siucai! But his disguise was caught, and a high court royalty who admired him and took him as a concubine.

In addition to the science of literature, since a small Liok Si also digembleng martial arts by his father's companions. Especially after being a high-ranking concubine in the palace, he made contact with the heads of bodyguards, with high-minded emperor guards, surrendering his body as a substitute for martial arts-the high martial arts he earned for payment.

Finally, the lord knows the nature of this concubine, which turns out to be a woman crazy man, then he was expelled from the palace of the magnifying. But what did this woman do? He killed the great man, brought with him many treasures he had stolen from the palace, and fled! A dozen years later, there was the name of Kiam-mo Cai-li, but no one suspected that he was the Liok Si who used to be a noble concubine and who killed the nobleman to become a government man.

Liok Si walks with a smile. Sometimes his smile widened and his white teeth were shiny and at both ends there was a slightly pointed teeth that looked like a cunning teeth. His heart was overwhelming when he imagined how good it would be if he could get the prodigy.

"Hemmm, I have to be subtle and careful about it, enjoy it for as long as possible, Hemmm ...," she thought with a smile.

Suddenly he startled and stopped his pace, but again he smiled sweetly. His eyes were shining with excitement as he saw five men standing in front of him with a gallant attitude. His eyes flashed and imagined satisfaction and admiration. Indeed, the heart of a crazy woman like Liok Si certainly became a thriller pounding when he saw five men whose average age was thirty years more stacked and average-looking handsome and handsome! Like seeing five grains of ripe fruit and hearts!

"Aih-aihh ... Who is this valiant Ngo-wi (you five) and is Ngo-wi intentionally going to meet and talk to me?"

One of them, who was thirty years old, his face round and his eyebrows like a thick black and scalpel, said, "Are we dealing with Kiam-mo Cai-li from the Carcass Swamp?"

The woman plays her eyeballs watching their faces alternate with beams, her mouth smiling as she answers, "If so, why are you?

"We are Kee-san Ngo-hohan (Five Swordsman from Chicken Mountain)."

"Tsk tsk tsk ..." Kiam-mo Cai-li sounds with his tongue an admiring sign. Immediately he poked and said sweetly, "Aih, presumably five warriors whose names are well known all over the world kang-ouw as the main disciples of Hoa-san-pai! Aih, accept the respect of a stupid woman like me."

"Please Toanio (madam) is not mocking and being humble We already know who Kiam-mo Cai-li is, and seeing you climbing Jeng-hoa-san, we have to take the courage."

"Er ... You mean?" Her smile grew sweeter and her eyes more attractive.

"We have heard the news that the kang-ouw characters are trying to fight Sin-tong in the Thousand Flower Forest, we heard also that Kiam-mo Cai-li was one of those who wanted to kidnap Sin-tong we are indebted, given the medicine by Sin-tong, then we can only repay the soul by protecting it mainly from the hands of ... Sorry, the heretics who certainly have no good faith in him If we are not indebted, that Sin-tong is a prodigy who has helped many people indiscriminately, it has become the duty of the dashing men to protect him. "

Back Kiam-mo Cai-li smiles. "To be honest, I heard about Sin-tong and I want to get it, so today I hiked up Jeng-hoa-san. What do you want?"

"Then we ask with respect that you like to cancel your intentions, Toanio, if you insist on getting Sin-tong to interrupt you and will not let you continue the journey!"

"Hi-hi-hik, fierce! Five handsome and handsome young men meet a beautiful woman full of passion, it is not proper to play a weapon of life!"