Munib Obradovic, keliru satu kaligrafer ternama menurut Bosnia.
Munib Raghib Obradovic kaligrafer berdarah Yugoslavia lahir pada Mostar tahun 1971. Pelajaran kaligrafi pertamanya ia bisa menurut kota loka tinggalnya sendiri. Tahun 2000 ia pergi ke Kairo buat belajar ilmu ilmu ke Islaman, dan bahasa Arab. Di Kairo ia pula belajar kaligrafi. Ia mendaftar di Akademi Khalil Agha jurusan kaligrafi Islam dan seni ornamen. Selama bersekolah disana, dia belajar 6 jenis kaligrafi hingga memperoleh gelar diploma. Disamping itu, ia mengikuti pelajaran privat kaligrafi pada Mus'ad Khudairi al Busr Saidi, seorang kaligrafer terkenal dari Mesir. Dari sang pengajar ini munib mebrhasil memperoleh ijazah. 

Munib Obradovic telah mengikuti berbagai ajang perlombaan serta pameran. Beberapa event yang pernah dia ikuti sudah menghasilkan beberapa penghargaan. Seperti penghargaan menurut beberapa ajang lomba kaligrafi internasional yg diadakan pada Istambul, Kuwait, Lahore, Abu Dhabi dan Algeria.

Banyaknya penghargaan yang dia raih dan pengabdiannya yang akbar pada dunia kaligrafi, menyebabkan ia terpilih buat mendesign kaligrafi dalam Menara Jam ِِAbraj Al Bait (Royal Clock Tower) di Makkah.

Berikut ini merupakan karya karyanya : 

Al Waliyyu (?)

Fii maq'adi shidqin inda maliikin muqtadir (Al Qamar ayat 55)
في مقعد صدق عند مليك مقتدر

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Munib Obradovic was born in Mostar in 1971. He graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the first lessons of calligraphy he took in his hometown.
In 2000 he moved to Cairo to study Islamic sciences, Arabic language and calligraphy, where he enrolled in Islamic calligraphy and ornamentation at the Halil Aga Academy. During his education he learned six styles of calligraphy for which he received a diploma. In addition to the Academy he had private lessons with Professor Mus'ad Khudairi el-Borsaidija, the most famous Egyptian contemporary calligrapher, from which he received his ijjazet.
Munib Obradovic received numerous awards for the international calligraphy competitions in Istanbul, Kuwait, Lahore, Abu Dhabi and Algeria. Out of his numerous achivements we should mention that he was choosen to create the calligraphic composition at the Royal Clock Tower in Mecca.
